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Navigation screen problem ?

Ok , its probably user error,  my old 830 was fine ( nice big 3d arrow thats now gone :-(   )  One more moan before i get onto my other moan, how the *** do you see this screen in shadows, its almost invisible, maybe its a solar issue and the fact I need reading glasses, and there's me thinking the big 1040 would be easier to see than my 830 lol. 

Any way, the point of my question. When I stop on the bike while navigating to have a proper look at the display map to work out a complicated direction and to get my bearings the bloody map screen keeps rotating, this is with the handle bars set dead ahead, its not good for my orientation and makes its hard for me to actually get my bearings from the screen. 

Is this a bug or something i need to get used to ? 

  • To be honest my unit would rotate while not on the ebike, it would exhibit the same symptoms while walking with the unit then stopping. My new unit does spin momentarily when i stop but after 3 or 4 seconds it holds it heading and is perfectly readable, my old unit would stay upside down. 

  • In conversation with Garmin on this it is a software not a hardware issue. So they are working on a software fix.

    Did a "fix" ever get released, I know a "Compass Calibration" option was in 14.20 BUT last weekend I had the map rotation issue and I am on 14.50 now. Happened every time I stopped with rotations between 90 & 180 degrees, if happens again will try calibrate compass but the compass looks ok?

    Approaching red light - OK       Stopped, about 180 degree rotation   Moving again after red light - ok


    PS The actual compass looks correct in all 3 screenshots but the problem is the rotation away from track up when stopped.

  • Do you have any update on this ? I still have the anoying screen rotation when paused... Your message is 6 month old

  • This is a funny and weird video
    When I hold the edge 1040 horizontally no matter which direction I turn the map is in the correct orientation
    When I lift the edge 1040 to a 45-degree angle, the map will rotate in one orientation, and the map will not rotate in the other orientation
    Hope this video helps garmin find the problem

  • I have the rotation "bug" whenever I stop..I also compared the compass of the EDGE with my FENIX 7 and they are not such I opened a case with GARMIN...I believe it is someting related with the electronic compass....maybe a hardware there are other users that do not have this problem...

  • Hi NunoPinto,

    This is part of an email I sent to Garmin Support.

    Still waiting for an answer.

    As I wrote, the problem is that when I stop on the bike while navigating to have a proper look at the display map to work out a complicated direction and to get my bearings, the map screen keeps rotating,

    I returned the Edge 1040 to the dealer and asked for the payment back. He sent me another new device.

    The new device has the same problem.

    I ride an E Mountain Bike and I thought that the Edge 1040 might be affected  by a magnet.

    So I moved the Edge 1040 away from the KIOX screen (It has a Magnet)  and it was a miracle that the map did not rotate when stopped (Maybe 2 Degrees) . When I brought the device closer to the KIOX screen, the map rotated towards the screen(About 180 Degrees).

    Apparently the device is not resistant to even a small magnet which is inside the KIOX Screen.

  • Very strange behavior. Do you think getting closer to the car had anything to do with the problem? Does it behave like this in a open area?

  • Well, in my case, nome of my bikes are e-bikes, I have however electronic gear bikes, and the shifthers are near the GPS...but that is common nowadays.

    Check the picture that I just uploaded on my post, I am comparing the compass beteween the EDGE and FENIX 7....the EDGE can't point to NORTH, however I try rotating...

  • I have tried on the forest with MTB and the problem was there, I stopped to look at the screen (asessing my position)  and the rotation got me is easy to get lost if you are in an unknow place with more than one way to follow...

  • Did you try re-calibrating the Compass. That fixed the issue for me.