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Route using the wrong cached directions.

Interesting bug today. I loaded a route to climb Les Deux Alpes in France and it gave me directions for another of my routes in South West London in the UK. I wondered why I was constantly being directed to my local park. Had to remove the cached version and recalculate once I realised. Not seen this before. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 1 year ago in reply to latinokilombo

    I really really really hope they fix this soon. I cannot understand how such a severe bug is possible in a 600€ tool. It profoundly frustrates me.

    I just went for my first outside ride this year and created a new route via Garmin Connect. All the old ones were deleted beforehand and I made sure that the newest version was installed. I have a Garmin Edge 1040, software v.16+. And it still messed with my new route showing an old one and stopping the active navigation.

    Stopping the navigation and restarting the device didn't help and I do not want to reboot my device during an active bike ride.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 1 year ago in reply to mweijs

    Same here in May 2023. Edge 1040, v.16+, shows some old route that has been long deleted.

  • Remains an intriguing issue though because not everyone sees those ghosts

    There are more than a dozen 1040 Forum topics in the last 10 months that report different aspects of the "ghost course" problem but not everyone sees all the aspects of the issue so does not identify it as one problem source. The actual "ghost course" is sometimes a very great  distance away (hundreds of kms, ridden while on holidays months before) and is therefore not encountered on the loaded ride.

    People see some of a number of issues including,

    • Most frequently no chevrons on the course they are following (because the chevrons are on the ghost route)
    • Getting "turn Guidance" (instructions and big white arrows) not related to the course they have loaded (happens both if Turn Guidance is enabled or disabled)
    • An actual ghost course in the pink route color as well as a separate (completely different) magenta loaded course
    • Various off course & re-route prompts even though the position cursor is on the loaded route (Virtual Partner is too)
    • Can get both Course Point notifications on a loaded course AND Turn Guidance notifications from a different ghost course especially if TG is OFF.
    • Often the issue is triggered by some GPS issue/ lost signal such as a tunnel or other temporary interruption

    But like you I find it very difficult to understand why it happens even with Turn Guidance disabled and even perhaps never enabled in the life of the courses in the 1040 Courses directory.

    And Garmin's number one core expertise is supposed to be "navigation", if they have lost this what hope for anything else?

  • Seems I have somewhat the same issue, see my post:

    Navigation instructions hangs at previous course (which in 700km away)

    Any solution yet?

    Kind regards,


  • removing the file from the Garmin\Calcs folder doesn't help.

  • I would guess that this remedy is done using the Course Name for the course you want to ride today, not the Course Name of the course whose details you're being served instead.  The intent would be  to force a recalculation of today's route when you next load it. Am I understanding correctly?

  • If I run into problems like this (which I have seen especially after going off-course) I am going to experiment with clearing the cache for the current route, then reloading the current route, on the guess that if its cache is cleared before it's loaded, then loading will be done without reference to any cache.   Did you clear cache for the current route (which if corrupted could possibly contain the pink route)?

  • Which /Garmin/Calcs file did you remove?  The one for the course being ridden today, or the one for the ghost route? 

  • The "problem" mostly happens when users have "Turn Guidance" (TG)  disabled so there "should" be no calculation / recalculation at all. But the primary issue is that there seems to be some code which thinks TG is on and partly trys to do TG regardless and in the process picks up a different course (the "ghost") to the intended loaded one, even if the ghost course is no longer in any of the Courses, Calcs or PointCache directories, where is it? (my guess is it is somewhere in persistent memory, I have had ghosts I had ridden months previously and remote to my current course).

    More here and many more pictures / screenshots from various users in the linked postings

    ps: in the case above the real course was short 11km with only half a dozen turns and therefore a small FIT file and the "ghost" was 200km with almost 200 turns / instructions and a fairly large fit file (but not anywhere in the course directories?) The "real" course could not contain all the instructions, track points.

  • Thank you, I will pick this up on the 17.29 link.  I am using Turn Guidance which, with my level of vision and the way my mind works, seems to be very useful.  Yet I am seeing Turn List items from a different rid, and my chevrons sometimes, but not always, disappear at the moment that I see "Course Found" after minor offroute excursions (e.g. circling back for ten seconds).