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Tip #4 - If Segment Distance/Time to go is not working

If you imported your profiles from another device then it is possible that the distance to go and time to go data fields that you may have had on your old segment page no longer are working on your new segment page.

This is because the 1040 changed the mapping for this data to use different data fields.

This can be easily fixed by changing those data fields.

Activity Profiles -> name of profile you wish to change -> Data Screens -> Segment -> Layout and data fields

If you are using "Distance to Go" change that to "Distance to Next"

If you are using "Time to Go" change that to "Time to Next"

Distance/Time to next can be found under the Navigation category of data fields

  • Thanks for this. I have a problem in that I've popup on approach to disabled, yet the page changes to segment page every time I start a segment. They are Strava segments. Really annoying

  • Let me check the settings on that as I think there maybe 2. One for the pop-up and one to control the page switching.

  • So there are 2 different settings on the segment page.

    Pop-up on approach controls if you get an alert message that you are approaching the start.

    Show screen controls if it switches from you current screen to the segment page. This is the one you need to switch off. The page will still get added, but it will not place you on that screen

  • Unfortunately I don't have the option you mentioned

  • I'm sorry about that . I selected the ClimbPro page configuration by error. So yes the segment page does not have that option.

    Next time I ride let me play around with the settings and see if I can what you want.

    So you want to switch off the segment approach alert and the switching to the segment page, but you still want the segment to execute? 

  • Yes. I'm so sure this is what is meant to happen with "pop up on approach" disabled. I should be able to switch to the segment page if I want, but not automatically.

    I ride laps of one course and I have the segment. It's nice to know where I am on it but not automatically switch every single lap!

  • I did some testing on my ride today and can confirm your observations that the settings does not work as it should. I have passed that information on to Garmin.

  • In the Strava Live Segment, and segment Leaderboard I can only see Rival Ahead, PR and KOM, but if I go in Strava live segments options (three dots) , in default Leader Priority there are several goals including Recent best , PR , rival Ahead , but how to trigger to downloads those times, in order to select them , I don't know

  • I know that is not related to this topic , but still , I would not open another topic .

    I remember that in the past on 1030 , when I select a segment I had the possibility to navigate to start of that segment 

    or maybe I was dreaming and my memory is playing tricks ?

    Now , I can select manually the starting point and navigate , but it will be nice to have "navigate to start of the segment"

  • On your first question what appears in the leaderboard unfortunately is a function of what method you use to sync the segments. Strava did not implement the same functionality across the different sets of API's they offer.

    If you sync via GCM or WifI you get the extra entries you are looking for. If you sync using Garmin Express you get what you are seeing.

    On your second question, yes prior units did offer a navigate to start function that is not directly there on the 1040.

    You can however still navigate to the start of segment by

    Navigation -> Courses -> + -> Course creator -> Start Location -> Saved and Recent -> Segments.

    Obviously not as convenient as the prior navigate to start feature.