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Tip #4 - If Segment Distance/Time to go is not working

If you imported your profiles from another device then it is possible that the distance to go and time to go data fields that you may have had on your old segment page no longer are working on your new segment page.

This is because the 1040 changed the mapping for this data to use different data fields.

This can be easily fixed by changing those data fields.

Activity Profiles -> name of profile you wish to change -> Data Screens -> Segment -> Layout and data fields

If you are using "Distance to Go" change that to "Distance to Next"

If you are using "Time to Go" change that to "Time to Next"

Distance/Time to next can be found under the Navigation category of data fields

  • For navigating to the start or the segment , I have tried you version, but is not conveninent , still good that the option is somewere

    for the segment did not fully understand what I have to do in order to have the alternative times 

  • I just bought the 1040 and it doesn’t have Distance to Next, it has Distance Ahead which I tried today and that didn’t work.  I had a route downloaded from ride with GPS and it was 33 miles.  When I started the ride it said I had 2.5 miles to go!!  I am not impressed with the new 1040.  I had a Garmin 1000 for the last 7 years and gave me no problems until lately so I thought I would buy a new 1040.  The 2 rides I used it on, I had too many problems to state on here but rest assured I will be calling Garmin on Monday!!!

  • Is this what you are talking about? How DISTANCE to GO not he live segment does not work on the 1040 but worked on 1030? I made a video t show it. I will try your data field suggestions tomorrow.

    The 1040 solar on the left, 1030 on the right. You will notice (it becomes much clearer at 25 sec in) that the distance to go on the 1040 stays on 0 mi the entire time while the 1030 actually counts down from 0.32mi to the end. click 

  • Hello, I upgraded to the 1040 from the 1000.  Never had the 1030.  On my 1000 there was a Distance to Go that I had as a data field which would tell me the miles remaining for the entire ride.  For example,  I would download a 40 mile route from ride with GPS.  When I hit the start button, my 1000 would tell me I have 40 miles to go.  When I rode 5 miles, it would tell me I have 35 miles to go.  On the 1040 I tried the distance to next and that just told me the miles to the next turn.  If I’m missing something please let me know.  Thank You!

  • Try using Distance to Destination.

  • Hi there. I am attempting to configure the bottom 2 fields and have ran into an issue. Whilst clicking on the bottom right data field which I want to change to “Time to go” …I then select the “Timer” Category… at this point I cannot scroll up or down to get to the one I want. If I go back and select another category like Distance for example I can scroll up and down through the choices without problem. 
    I will attach a quick video to show you what I mean. Any help greatly appreciated. 
    Sorry…how do I upload a video here? 

  • When average segment power field?

  • I totally agree, i have same issue with distance to go on segments that i have stared, it always shows 0 during the segment chase and on my 1030 this was never an issue