In the last 3 days, connect app stop to retrieve hvr status from the 2x. In the watch the record is present, but it doesn't appear no more in the app. Before these days everything was ok. App connect od Android phone
In the last 3 days, connect app stop to retrieve hvr status from the 2x. In the watch the record is present, but it doesn't appear no more in the app. Before these days everything was ok. App connect od Android phone
Updated February 6th, 2024:
The issue is escalated to our engineering team and will be resolved as soon as possible.
Workaround: (Temporary workaround. The issue will continue to come and go for some…
The problem is solved by doing a soft reset after charging with the cable.
Correct but then the issue happens again. Which is why the issue has been so difficult to pin down despite my own…
Soft reset is OK. Next day is HRV status is ok.
What has your experience been?
Thanks for the reply. Like I said, I'm seeing this bug every time I charge my watch. Every subsequent morning after recharging, I check to see if the issue automagically fixes itself, but no dice - I need to soft reset and then HRV starts getting tracked again.
Is there a config file on the watch that I can backup and copy back during a hard reset so that the settings are restored? I know that HRV and related metrics need to be recomputed from scratch, but if I can restore my activity page settings, glances etc., I just might go ahead with a full factory reset.
IDK but it might seem that the last couple updates of both watch firmware and the smartphone app have fixed it for me. After the last couple of times charging the watch via my computer I did not soft-reset it and HRV was still being sync'ed with the app.
I'm currently running version 14.12 of the firmware and version 4.74.1 of the app.
i thought bug was gone, but charged watch via laptop usb / Garmin Express and again, no overnight HRV neither on watch nor in GC. Funnily it's visible in weekly view but not in daily summary in HRV section in GC.
Same. HRV is not on the app upgrade as something I can view.
Well, I'm on 16.10 now and was wondering if the update maybe fixes the dreaded HRV problem.
I googled for the release notes and it says nothing about HRV. :-( Any updates on this topic?
To follow up on my own posting: The HRV bug seems to be still there. Bummer.