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Night Sleep Data gets replaced by daytime "sleep"

The problem is that in some cases a normal sleep recording is replaced by a very short nap and totally screws all connecting data like the recovery status.

Garmin now says that this is by design, which makes no sense at all.

  • What you underlined is accurate
    The current nap threshold is 3 hours.

    By the way, there is NOTHING about a 3 hour threshold in the German support article: 

  • If your watch records sleep, that is replacing sleep. The current algorithm is designed around picking up naps of 3 hours or longer. If your watch perceives a nap due to lack of movement and your OHR readings, and the period of time is 3+ hours and outside of your normal sleep window, it should record the nap AND replace your prior night's sleep.

  • If your watch records sleep, that is replacing sleep.

    And why is this not in the support article ? Please change the wording there.
    And please add the 3 hours limit in the German article. There is NOTHING there at all so far. Not a single word about a 3 hour limit.

  • it should record the nap AND replace your prior night's sleep.

    From my point of view it makes no sense at all and is not logical if I slept 8 hours at night and then my good sleep score is destroyed by a 3.5 hour sleep during the day instead of being improved by the additional sleep. From my point of view a very bad algorithm.

  • Thank you for your feedback.

  • It just makes no sense at all. Why should even a 4 hour nap replace a 8 hour sleep recording? There is just no reason to do that.

    By the way: Garmin Sleep recording falls already way back compared to Apple or Polar (according to several journalists). It needs a complete overhaul.

  • Why should even a 4 hour nap replace a 8 hour sleep recording?

    The issue that this entire thread is about Slight smile

  • Your watch should pick up naps 3 hours or more and they will replace your nighttime sleep recorded

    As many others already said in this thread I agree that a Nap should not replace your night time sleep.

    Normally you have one main sleep per day, and Garmin can only save one sleep a day, that is why it overwrites any existing sleep same day. Right? 

    If a nap or sleep is registered, then when it ends it would be good if took into consideration which sleep if any already registered the same day.

    Thus a suggestion would be to when a sleep ends, only overwrite any previous existing sleep for that day if the sleep score for the later sleep is higher than the previous one for the same day.

    I mean you want to keep your best sleep for the day. Want you???

    I guess that will solve most of the problem for the majority of users having this issue. Just an idea that I think is worth looking into.

    Also maybe you can utilize the sleep window specified by user in your algorithm. Just be aware that some people work shifts so maybe some way to toggle off sleeping window for those users.

    But still the main point here is to not overwrite any existing sleep happening the same day with a new sleep during the same day that has a lower sleep score than the already existing one. Keep the best sleep for the day!

  • As many others already said in this thread I agree that a Nap should not replace your night time sleep.

    Everyone is welcome to Submit your Ideas here:

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    Thank you for taking the time. We appreciate it.

  • the period of time is 3+ hours and outside of your normal sleep window, it should record the nap AND replace your prior night's sleep.

    Chris, I already gave you the link to the German support article on the subject. The German support articles are based on the English support articles, and have only been translated.

    As you can see, the section with the 3 hour threshold is completely missing in the German article.

    This suggests that the original English article did not contain this section either, and was added afterwards.

    Hence my questions :

    1) Did Garmin implement this 3 hour threshold later ?

    2) What is the reason for this 3 hour threshold ?

    3) How does Garmin make sure that this does not negatively affect my metrics like training readiness, recovery time etc ?