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Night Sleep Data gets replaced by daytime "sleep"

The problem is that in some cases a normal sleep recording is replaced by a very short nap and totally screws all connecting data like the recovery status.

Garmin now says that this is by design, which makes no sense at all.

  • Garmin-Chris could you please try to explain us why the algorithm works as described from you. What is the reason or intention to replace night sleep with short nap? My body is recharging in both sleeps night sleep and also short nap, everybody knows that, other watch companies knows that too, just Garmin watches behave the way that nobody other understand.

    Today my nap (2h 50m) replaces my night sleep. (Im on 11.22b). But it wasn't first time that this happened. 

  • Chris I have now submitted to Garmin via the link you provided the idea that a new sleep during the same day should not replace any existing sleep same day if sleep score is less/worse than the previously recorded sleep that day. Keep the best sleep for the Day. 

  • Today my nap (2h 50m) replaces my night sleep. 

  • what I have to do with this link? It is a bug!

    Sure I can use the link to share my idea to solve this issue, but I think the link you provided is not intended for this kind of ideas ;-) 

  • You can try to report as a bug. But the problem is that official statement is: it's not a bug, it's by design. However, keep pushing, maybe Garmin will eventually listen.

  • Garmin's sleep detection and sleep analysis is just a bad joke, especially considering how expensive the watches are. You just can't take it seriously...

  • But the problem is that official statement is: it's not a bug, it's by design.

    From my point of view, the worst thing about the whole issue is that Garmln obviously doesn't care at all that there is huge potential to adjust the algorithm.

    If a company so obviously does not listen to the messages of the customers, this company destroys in my opinion the trust of the customers in this company.

  • I totally agree with you and I don't really understand why we are running into circle about sleep/nap for months now. Users say, algorithm is wrong. Garmin (Chris) says it's by design.

    Users understand that current algorithm is by design but Garmin needs to understand that the same users don't like algorithm and want to change algorithm/design.

    And we can start simple, don't replace sleep with a nap. Regardless how long nap is. Add it to the existing sleep, as a nap Slight smile

  • And again, sat on the couch watching a movie and my sleep got replaced by a 0 score false sleep. Tried to edit it in GCM, but it didn't sync with the watch. Frustrating. 

  • There are just a few areas where Garmin's competitors are better: sleep tracking and analysis, side-by-side manual and automatic laps, better and more workout suggestions, and more. You just have to look carefully. Garmin isn't the best choice in every way.