Deactivate Strength Excercise Type Detection


I am often using the "Free" Strength training mode. However, detection of the type of exercise is quite bad, especially when I am doing slow excentric phases. Is there a way to turn this of?

I do not want to turn of rep counting, just detection of excercise type.



  • I don’t think so.

    I use Free but I don’t track sets. I just make notes in phone and update exercise / reps / weight afterwards 

  • Thanks for your feedback... it's become really not useful if you practice slow excentrics... bench press ends up being recognized as sit-up, duh. Rep counting is also becoming quite unreliable like this. It's not that, slow excentric isn't a very common way to lift weights.

    I actually submitted an idea to garmin, to make garmin connect mobile app to work as sort of live editor while working out. I.e. choosing the next excercise, weight, then start the set, all on mobile, while the watch will just do the measuring of HR and rep counts.

    Would be the best in my opinion.