custom workouts strength training data screen page switch


Im very happy with my fenix 6s pro. I have a favor to ask. I like to do single workouts at a time. I create them under strength training profile. For example Pushups till lap-button pressed after pause till lap-button. reapeat it for 10 times. Important for me ist the set time and the repetitions and the sets. When I start this workout, the watch will allways switch back to the instructions page after every set which doesn't help very much, because I need to keep track of the resting period. It would be nice if one could disable this switching behavior. There are multiple screens but if you have to toggle it becomes annoying over time.

I'll try the auto switch feature for now. But I think this should be not so complicated made.


PS: Maybe the Instructions should be implemented as an optional data field and the instruction page as option.

Im relatively new to training with consistent data recording and maybe im doing it completely wrong... But it's for sure a very cool feature of the watch. Slight smile

  • Curious to know if you found a solution to your issue. I'm experiencing something similar with a cardio workout that I created. It defaults to a data screen that shows the number of reps and rounds left (unimportant to me) instead of the data screen that includes my heart rate. At the moment, I have to scroll down twice at the start of the workout to get to where I want to be. Not a huge deal obviously just looking for ways to automate and customize to my liking where I can.

  • Hello.

    Im still try different configs occasionally, but I got used to just press the down button twice after every set. I can correct the reps after each set and don't have to put in weight manually after the workout. Still hope for an upgrade though.

    I also tried the cardio, hiit, pilates and the other profile but they weren't better in this regard. I also would like to keep my strength trainings under the corresponding profile though.

    I mostly use watch for running though, so it's not that big of a deal for me. But it would be very nice if everything was that convenient.

    So... sorry but I haven't a solution at the moment.

  • Hi All, any solutions since the post? 

    Did the 11.28 fixed it? 

    It's really annoying 

  • Has this changed yet? I am using custom workouts, but the fact that I have to press so many buttons to get back to my main data screen is beyond annoying. I would like to track my heart rate and resting time between sets, not stare at what I already know will be my next exercise in the list, considering at this point to just use the "Free" Strength workout.

  • Yeah Im in the free mode for now too. It recognizes the movements maybe 25% of the time correctly. No Im not using it anymore most of the time (in the moment also because of my shoulder, triceps dips in February, outside at 5° C without a proper warm up). I think it's a running watch for me, peace.V