Fenix 6 Series - 20.87 Public Beta

Hello Fenix 6 customers,

Our next beta version for the Fenix 6 series is now available! 

Please email the Garmin Outdoor Quality Team if you find issues in software after installing this update: [email protected]

If you’ve participated in the Fenix 6 Beta Program previously, you’ll notice a few changes from how we have managed this in the past. And further down the line, we’ll have some additional improvements to the Beta Program (more on that later!) Notably, this forum post is now the primary resource for reading the change log notes – they are not available on another webpage. (There will be more options for viewing change logs after we implement the additional improvements to our beta program.)

The links to download the software update are listed below. Select the link specific to your watch model. Please note that your computer will download a .zip file when you open this link. This zip contains the software update, as well as a folder with the file necessary for backdating software, and instructions for this process if you choose to do so. Remember, backdating software will reset all settings.

Use these links to download the zip for your watch to update to version 20.87:

Change Log for version 20.87 (changes since 20.86):

  • Fixed issue where the Sleep Widget was not accessible when Widget Glances were turned off.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where shutdowns would occur in the strength Activity.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where stress and sleep data would not get properly collected.
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Instructions for updating software:

  1. Download the .zip specific to your computer, using the links above.
  2. Connect the watch to your computer.
  3. Unzip the folder and copy the included gupdate.gcd file (from the System_x.xx folder) to the Primary\Garmin folder on your watch.
  4. If there is a Sensor Hub_v*** folder, place the gupXXXX.gcd file into the \GARMIN\REMOTESW folder of the device. Please note, not all Beta releases will include an update.
  5. If there is a ANT_BT_BLE_v*** folder, place the gupXXXX.gcd file into the \GARMIN\REMOTESW folder of the device. Please note, not all Beta releases will include an update.
  6. Disconnect the watch from the computer and it will prompt you to update software.

After updating, your watch will be running the following software versions. These can be confirmed on the Menu – System – About pages. New versions are indicated in red.

System Software: 20.87

GPS: 5.30
Sensor Hub: 18.00 *If you have been participating in the Beta Program, you may already have this sw
ANT/BLE/BT (Pro models): 6.15 *If you have been participating in the Beta Program, you may already have this sw
ANT/BLE (non-Pro models): 3.01
Wi-Fi (Pro models only): 2.60

Please note, the beta updates released on these forums are not compatible for APAC region devices.

  • I don't understand something: in #1 you say your watch is in power save mode during sleep hours. So all the other points were also done during the hours that were set as sleep (or DND) hours? If so then it's like you woke up in the middle of the night, made an activity then the watch assumes that you went back to sleep, because it's still to early (according to the times you set) for you to be awake?

  • If so then it's like you woke up in the middle of the night

    I don't understand how you cannot understand.

    Why do you think I woke up in the middle of the night when the time is shown on the watch and it is daylight? Just before 6am in fact.

    Did you not see the device go back into powersave mode at the end when it wasn't at the start?

    Genuinely confused about what you are struggling with here?

  • I think I recognize your bug as i am experiencing this since long time, don't even remember with what version of fw this started. But missing couple of steps in your description in reference to what I experience.

    Case is: the watch has low power mode set for the night time. If nothing happens during night time then it works perfectly (goes to low power at set time in the evening, goes to normal in the morning, and if I Do an activity during the day at the end it is in normal mode when I finish, all good)

    Bug appears only if during the set sleep time I manually put the watch to normal mode. Then, irrespective or everything else (if I put it back to low power manually and let it go to normal at set wake up time, or I leave it in normal mode throughout the rest of the night) at first time I open the activities menu - even if I don't actually start an activity - when I go back to watch face it goes to low power mode. This happens at any time I open the activities menu, both outside or within the sleep window.

    But the foundamental passage that triggers the bug seem to be manually toggle to normal mode after the watch has gone to low power mode automatically at set sleep time start.

    I also seem to remember this being discussed in previous threads in this forum.

  • Bug appears only if during the set sleep time I manually put the watch to normal mode

    Agreed - as I wrote in the bug reproduction steps the device needs to be in battery saver mode for your sleep period, and then you disable it

    There are lots of use-cases for wanting to turn off power save mode if you wake up early for some reason - mostly involving using Bluetooth connection to the phone or doing activities with headphones. Activity sync often will fail too if the device switches back to power save mode before the sync is complete.

  • Well, I experienced yet another random reboot in the middle of my running exercise, just like I did with 20.85 & 20.86. Since this is getting rather annoying, I'd better downgrade (or as Garmin calls it, "backdate") to 20.60, which I actually never installed before.

    In backdating my fenix 6s Pro will re reverted to factory defaults, but I assume, I can get all my settings back in the sync process. However, I am not so sure about all my previous exercises and currently ongoing training plan & progress stored in the watch - will those be restored also? Or do I have to take a backup of some .fit files and similar? Any advice is appreciated...

  • Actually... It is the other way around, to my knowledge!

    The watch will be updated with all the training stats like vo2max, training status and load, ... For the plans that should also be governed on the cloud, so you should get them back.

    You will loose your watch general settings, activity settings and all IQ downloaded apps and settings.

    For the first 2 there is a way to report them to the watch by copying some specific fit files (the instructions are on Garmin website, google for them) but unsure if it is fully advisable as some settings for a newer firmware could be not compatible with an older one and give troubles.

    In the end... Downgrading is still a bit of an headache 

  • Thank your for your quick comments, Frankysour! I will still have to consider, what to do. The random reboots during exercises are a pain in the ass, but losing all your downloaded apps and their settings is also a huge penalty.

  • No Training Effect again after saving an activity on the watch. It's looks like affected just Stair Stepper in my case. Strength, walking working fine. After sync and checking the activity on the watch it showing the Training Effect.

  • If reboots only occur during runs, you could try to restore the defaults of the Run activity only. Settings, Activities and apps, Run, Run settings, Restore defaults. You will lose the Run data screens, alerts, auto-lap, GPS and other Run settings.

  • I am starting to feel like a broken record here, but the false sleep that starts tracking shortly after exercise occurred again today.

    False sleep tracked:

    The overnight sleep appeared to track perfectly with my Fenix agreeing with my Coros Pace 2 almost identically - so tracking looks basically OK, but seems to be fooled by the post-exercise HR dip which seems to incorrectly trigger a sleep event ('Zzz aligns closely with the HR dip)


    Coros Pace 2 agrees with Garmin for duration and start and wake times are within 1 minute

    But that good work overnight has been replaced by the false sleep now sadly

    ..and also caused body battery to rise as it seems 'sleep' even imagined sleep causes the body battery to add a % each minute it detects 'sleep'