Fenix 6 Series - 20.87 Public Beta

Hello Fenix 6 customers,

Our next beta version for the Fenix 6 series is now available! 

Please email the Garmin Outdoor Quality Team if you find issues in software after installing this update: [email protected]

If you’ve participated in the Fenix 6 Beta Program previously, you’ll notice a few changes from how we have managed this in the past. And further down the line, we’ll have some additional improvements to the Beta Program (more on that later!) Notably, this forum post is now the primary resource for reading the change log notes – they are not available on another webpage. (There will be more options for viewing change logs after we implement the additional improvements to our beta program.)

The links to download the software update are listed below. Select the link specific to your watch model. Please note that your computer will download a .zip file when you open this link. This zip contains the software update, as well as a folder with the file necessary for backdating software, and instructions for this process if you choose to do so. Remember, backdating software will reset all settings.

Use these links to download the zip for your watch to update to version 20.87:

Change Log for version 20.87 (changes since 20.86):

  • Fixed issue where the Sleep Widget was not accessible when Widget Glances were turned off.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where shutdowns would occur in the strength Activity.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where stress and sleep data would not get properly collected.
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes.

Instructions for updating software:

  1. Download the .zip specific to your computer, using the links above.
  2. Connect the watch to your computer.
  3. Unzip the folder and copy the included gupdate.gcd file (from the System_x.xx folder) to the Primary\Garmin folder on your watch.
  4. If there is a Sensor Hub_v*** folder, place the gupXXXX.gcd file into the \GARMIN\REMOTESW folder of the device. Please note, not all Beta releases will include an update.
  5. If there is a ANT_BT_BLE_v*** folder, place the gupXXXX.gcd file into the \GARMIN\REMOTESW folder of the device. Please note, not all Beta releases will include an update.
  6. Disconnect the watch from the computer and it will prompt you to update software.

After updating, your watch will be running the following software versions. These can be confirmed on the Menu – System – About pages. New versions are indicated in red.

System Software: 20.87

GPS: 5.30
Sensor Hub: 18.00 *If you have been participating in the Beta Program, you may already have this sw
ANT/BLE/BT (Pro models): 6.15 *If you have been participating in the Beta Program, you may already have this sw
ANT/BLE (non-Pro models): 3.01
Wi-Fi (Pro models only): 2.60

Please note, the beta updates released on these forums are not compatible for APAC region devices.

  • Ok Garmin, we are very happy for the minor improvements....but the "real time stamina"?

  • Yeah as I understood there is some (one?) watchface specific to any model, and rest is casically the very basic combination of the digital and analog faces whic are found on basically every garmin watch. My hope came from reading on one of the Fenix 7 beta change logs the updates gotten by the stabdard watch face (but that's not an old watch, of course...)

    Agree for the health snapshot, would be nice to have. While the Stamina fields were unfortunately (and rightfully, TBH) never announced or meant to come to my Fenix 6x Disappointed

  • I hope at least some "features" for watchfaces come to F6 like body battery data on watchface, doesn't need to update every second, every 30mins or so would be enough imo. 

  • I’ve been in tech for two decades. Watch is a year old. Up until 19.20 never any battery issues. Installed this beta last night. When I unplugged it dropped from 100% to 92% in 2 hours doing absolutely nothing. WiFi off. Stock face. No CIQ apps running. Previous beta was fine. A day lasted a day in smart watch use. Thousands of posts here can’t all be wrong. The software has an issue where in certain circumstances it thrashes the battery. It’s a globally reported problem for many across different models, different software and different firmwares. QED, when all that’s changed is the firmware when battery issues arise, the problem is with the firmware. 
    Garmin should be commenting on this to at least acknowledge their customer’s issues, reassure them that they’ve backed a brand who’ll look after them and, more importantly, fix the issue. 

  • Only one friendly question Raising hand‍♂️ 

    Did you install the 20.51 beta that was for only battery logging nothing else?

  • Anyone else notice a big decrease in resting heart rate with this beta? 

  • Thousands of posts here can’t all be wrong. The software has an issue where in certain circumstances it thrashes the battery. It’s a globally reported problem for many across different models, different software and different firmwares.

    I broadly agree - 19.20 seemed to be the break point - I spent a LOT of time in that long standing thread rolling back and forth between 15.20 and 19.20 and the difference was huge and 100% repeatable.

    Two watches immediately got 1.5% hourly drain after updating to 19.20 and this carried on through numerous device resets and various incantations.

    Because I spent a LOT of time meticulously documenting this, I found Garmin very responsive, and they even enabled additional enhanced battery logging on my device to aid their investigation. Most of this happened end of December 2021 and then they seemed to get bogged down with altitude issues.

    All I can advise is be meticulous in documenting is - do not use battery tracking widgets. I kept a spreadsheet and took photos of the stock watch face every hour or two and before and after activities - this has the advantage of recording the date, time and battery % and provides very strong evidence.

    Garmin can enable enhanced logging on your watch, you do not need 20.51. But only the outdoor team can do this, so get the evidence so you get past 1st level 'try turning it off and on again' support. This is key - if support send you cut n paste advice, you are talking to the wrong people.

    I no longer track this meticulously, but in another thread my watch lost 48% in 36 hours with 20.86 - albeit I do use a lot of GPS.

    BTW the enhanced logging has the advantage that it records battery voltage levels to 0.1% granularity, so they can rule out battery degradation issues. Some drain issues may be h/w and that needs to be ruled out.

  • When your fenix 6X Pro Solar is less than a year old suddenly drops by 30% - 40% it's not just about battery wear I think.

    When I contacted Garmin about this, I never got another answer... He knew it deserved a trade...

    Now I'm stuck with it!!! I took the solar since I needed longevity...

    I hope that at the price they are sold, that the batteries are made to last for many years...

    The watch has many functions but all with questionable accuracy and stability...

  • Yes, I still have problem but now different. My first training was Strength it showed correct training effect I think  Base, but when I scrolled down in GC the heart rate zones was empty, it's odd because the heart rate strap was connected. Secondly after strength training I did cardio Stairmaster and when I saved the activity the training effect on the watch was empty then I went see in GC and it showed Tempo which is correct and also the heart rate zones appeared.

    These two above strength training.
