I am looking for a widget or an app that gives me 1.altitude, 2. rate of ascent (m/hour), 3. rate of descent (m/hour), 4. time of day, 5. heartrate
Any recommendations would be welcome.
I am looking for a widget or an app that gives me 1.altitude, 2. rate of ascent (m/hour), 3. rate of descent (m/hour), 4. time of day, 5. heartrate
Any recommendations would be welcome.
You should be able to configure data fields on your activity screens to show this combination.
are you a programmer, if so you can download the SDK and write your own app to provide those values.
I dabble with this type of thing, but never publish any of my apps. If you aren't a programmer I could provide you with something that could be side-loaded onto your watch.
As Steve mentioned, some of those fields are available on the watch as activity data fields, except the ascent/descent rate choices are m/min, there's no m/hour option if I'm not mistaken. And, its the maximum ascent/descent rate, not an average. If you can live with those rates then its just a matter of configuring the data fields in an activity of your choice.
Hi, no, I am not a programmer. So, if you could help, this would be welcome. I had a Suntoo watch for mountaineering that gave these infos on ascent and descent rates (averaged over a minute or so) in m/hour. This is what I liked.
Vertical speed meter (data field)
yeah, I had the Suunto Vector and Escape 203 that both provided that info. I see someone else has an app they've created that measures vertical speed in m/hr, maybe that is all you need to set yours up the way you want. If not, send me a private message, I have something else that you may also find interesting, we can talk offline.
Vertical speed can be configured in meters/hour,. Go to system /units / vertical speed and set your prefered unit
I see what you're talking about in the settings, but is vertical speed only available as a field in the auto-climb screen, that seems to be the only place I see it mentioned in the manual. I think the OP wanted it as a field in a regular app or activity.
Vertical speed is available in any screen. Look also at the field ascent/descent that in a single one you have the two values. and you can include in all screens. I have one with vertical speed, heart rate and ascen/descent.