Fenix 6 pro calculates wrong distance in km.

Hello, i noticed that my fenix 6 pro does not calculate distance in activities as it should. For example after i finish the activity garmin calculates that i traveled 18.68 km when in reality i traveled 19.62Km. That's error of almost 1Km !!!!! what the f... ???? . First i suspected this when i compared the results with my friends iWatch which correctly calculated distance. At this point i was not sure which one of the watches generates the error. Then i exported GPX track from my watch and imported it into AllTrails app. AllTrails showed the the route whas 19.62Km long (similar to iWatch result). What is going on ?. It seems to me that garmin is not something you could rely on. I would never recomend this device to anyone because except the price everything rest is not that premium at all. Can anyone from garmin help with this or should i change the watch ?

Garmin Connect App:

The same GPX file in AllTrails: