Intensity minutes

I noticed a few posts about issues with intensity minutes. Really never looked at the value until yesterday I noticed that my number is very low for the week. I remember getting a higher number before. What is the threshold for heart rate to be considered intensity minutes? When I do a cycling workout and my hr is at 70% of my max, is that considered intensity minutes?

  • Sure, Edge does not calculate it, but via Physio TrueUp it is Edge which collects the data and send it to F6x.

    So even if I had not worn F6x, 530 would have told F6x how many IM I collected.

  • Please post screenshots of the graphs of the HR during that time, and the RHR from reports. If the Activity contains the HR from the chest belt, use rather the daily HR graph - that could perhaps keep the HR from the F6. f not, then make another attempt with the chest belt (rather let the F6 broadcasting the HR to Edge), so that we are sure we look at the right data. Alternatively you can couple the HRML belt to both the F6 and Edge simultaneously.

  • So even if I had not worn F6x, 530 would have told F6x how many IM I collected.

    No, it does not work in that way. Edge is not capable to count any IMs. It is the F6 who records them in real-time, and it does not matter whether the Edge is active or not. The F6 just needs the HR data, it does not need to be in a recording mode at all.

  • I dont want to argue about the details, because I dont feel to be confident in this matter, but if you see my first screenshot you see that the IM data is duplicated (65 vs 42+6+17 mins). The daily total was 69, for some mysterious reason I got 4 minutes at the end of day.

    But apart from it I thought that Edge 530 recorded an activity and it was synced to my F6x. Before that my F6x collected the IMs since I was wearing it. But as a final check after the sync F6x compared its own calculation (42+6+17) with the data it received from 530.

    It is how I assumed it works, otherwise why the heck the activity recorded by 530 would show up as an additional info in IM report?

  • Well, during the ride the HR does not really seem to be over 10 minutes elevated. And BTW, even at the HR of 120 bpm, the graph still draw in blue (Easy HRZ), so I'd tell that you max HR is set far too high, especially seeing that your true Max HR did not exceed 160 bpm for that period. The max. HR might have an influence on the calculation of IM, too,

    Anyway, you will not see any IM for the Activity, since it was recorded by the Edge that does not support the calculation of IMs. You will see the IM increasing in the daily summary only, unless you record the activity by the F6. And you indeed have there 69 IMs.

  • It is how I assumed it works, otherwise why the heck the activity recorded by 530 would show up as an additional info in IM report?

    IMs are being awarded for the increased HR on the F6. It does not matter at all if you are recording an activity or not. There is no relation between activities and IMs.

  • IMs are being awarded for the increased HR on the F6. It does not matter at all if you are recording an activity or not. There is no relation between activities and IMs.

    I can accept it, but you still said nothing about the inconsistencies I detailed the way you proposed.

    Just to conclude where we are now:

    1. my RHR is and was definitely 56 

    2. IM is set to auto/default

    3. The HR graph shows that yeasterday I spent more hours above 84 bpm (150%*56), not just one hour or so.Moreover I spent  enough time to say that it was rare that I could not achieve the 10 mins rule.

    So what is wrong? Where/what is the explanation, because I still see discrepancy.

    4. Bonus: even if Garmin says “10 minutes at least…”, there are separated IM portions of 4 mins and 6 mins. Is it in line with the logics of IM calculation?

  • So what is wrong? Where/what is the explanation, because I still see discrepancy.

    As I wrote, most likely it is your Max HR that is set too high. 150% and 200% was my case, and my HR max is set properly, respecting the true max HR values I reach at maximal effort. The percentage factors of the RHR are likely influenced byt the Max HR as well, so it may differ for you. 

    As for the IM values lesser than 10 minutes - the app in the activity details only shows you how many minutes were recorded during the time of each respective measured activity. If there are less than 10 minutes, it means that the HR was already elevated before you started, or after the activity ended (but the total exceeded 10 minutes anyway).

    And the doubling is also quite clear - the activity was recorded twice - once by the Edge, and once auto-detected by the F6 MoveIQ option, hence it is listed twice there, although each time for a different time period, because the MoveIQ activity is not of the same length as the manually started Edge activity. Edge passes only the time to F6, no IMs, as I already wrote. So it is just a visual value from the overlapping time period, and no separately calculated IM values. That's why the daily sum is not influenced by the overlapping timed activities - all IMs are correctly being calculated (once), but displayed twice for each activity.

  • The max. HR might have an influence on the calculation of IM, too,

    It is a new piece of info. So far I was told about 150% and 200%.

    If it is really the case then I will switch to HR zones as IM calc method.

    I regularly (quarterly-6 monthly) measure my max HR, which is therefore always properly set. My HR profile is a bit uncommon, because even if I am older than 50 and never have been a real athlete, just a “hobbyist”, my max HR is still 188-189, and it seems that it does not decrease by age. At least it was 190 in 2010, the first time when it was measured (39 old that time), and 1 or 2 bpm during 12 years is just a statistical noise.

    An additional info: I always measure my HR running. I guess I cant achieve the same max HR cycling, but GC is not good enough to handle 2 max HRs or 2 LT HRs. I know because earlier I tried to record a separate max hr and lthr for cycling, but the latter confused the lthr graph.