Is there a way to toggle the temperature from fahrenheit to celsius?
Is there a way to toggle the temperature from fahrenheit to celsius?
Settings, System, Format, Units, Temperature
Settings, System, Format, Units, Temperature
It's even simpler than that:
MENU > System > Units > Temperature
Just for the record
Thanks Philip. Is that in the Garmin Connect app? If so I only have Settings>User settings>units> it only has Measurement Units
Settings, System, Format, Units, Temperature
That's on the watch.
MENU > System > Units > Temperature
Not sure where this is?
MENU > System > Units > TemperatureNot sure where this is?
On the watch. Long press the "UP-MENU" button, scroll to "System" and press the Start (upper right) button, then scroll to "Units" and press the Start button, scroll to "Temperature" and press the Start button, then select "Celsius" when done, press the "BACK-LAP" button multiple times until you see the watch face.
Thank you for explaining. I'd never have found that. Much appreciated!
Thank you Philip. I have to remember to read the text 'That's on the wactch". Doh. Thanks for your help.
My bad! Added an extra step - Settings, System, Units, Temperature.
That's what you get for trying to remember from memory when you're old!