Whoop 4.0 band released … Garmin what’s your answer

I hope Garmin is listening to their customers and answer with a device similar to the Whoop 4.0 and Fitbit Charge 5. Clearly both these companies see the demand for a 24/7 band that will deliver a solid sleep and recovery metric.

Garmin is clearly winning the watch game but is missing out on a second device (whoop) for many Forerunner and Fenix users and the activity band users (Fitbit).

I hope Garmin is waiting as eagerly as all of us for Ray’s review!!!

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  • I agree. I want to wear my mechanical watches more and more but still want to track steps, calories and sleep. C'mon Garmin...

  • I hope Garmin is waiting as eagerly as all of us for Ray’s review!!!

    Count me as one of the “all of us” who isn’t waiting and couldn’t care less. But do go ahead and buy it by all means if you believe it will replace your Fenix 

  • Isn't there some generic forum where you could post this tripe, like on Reddit, or getting in the sea, or something?

    How does your random-as opinion about a whatever a Whoopsie four is have anything to do with the Fenix 6 series?

  • We have yet to see whether Whoop has listened to their customers and delivered an HR sensor that is any better than a dumpster fire (DCRainmaker's words, not mine).

  • Garmin is clearly winning the watch game but is missing out on a second device (whoop) for many Forerunner and Fenix users and the activity band users (Fitbit).

    The whole Whoop experience seems like a scam to me.  They will "give" you the new Whoop 4.0 for "free" if you join (US$30) and then pay US$18 / month to gain access to their phone App which is required to access whatever data the Whoop gathers.

    Sorry, hard pass!

  • I think many of you are missing what I am hoping for.  I don't want a Whoop or Fitbit but would love for Garmin to make a device similar that compliments our watches.  I tried and couldn't wear the F6 to sleep and decided to switch to the 945LTE and still find it hard to wear it to sleep. I would love a band that I could wear when I don't want to wear my watch but still want accurate data. 

    I have to say I like the Sleep Coach feature and would love to see Garmin try and deliver something similar.

  • Perhaps Garmin takes the ball and we have to pay 30$/€/month for using gc/gcm/bc/explore… in the future. (j/k Innocent).

  • Certainly there is a market for Garmin to make a minimalist wearable for the Connect ecosystem. I mean, I wouldn't buy it as I have no need for such a thing, but I've seen lots of people ask for such a product.

    Essentially, a wearable that has all the sensors of a Fenix 6, but that's it. No UI, no buttons, no screen. Just a passive device with all the optical, accelerometer, and ABC sensors, that processes all the same metrics as a Fenix, with a BLE connection to your smartphone, and nothing more.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we might see that someday, but it could be a while. They do make a couple devices (vivofit or vivosmart, I think?) that are *almost* that, but not exactly.

  • I have a whoop and use it for recovery only. It has no cardio coaching at all. It just tell you on how much you should strain your heart during the day but does not tell you how like garmin training effect. So at the end of the day, what is more beneficial to your heart : 10 hours walking or 2 hours cycling and pushing hard. They may both give you the same cardio load but cycling will make your heart stronger. On the other hand, body battery is not working for me. i get 100 98 % of days. so i really cannot rely on that.