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Indoor Bike Activity has default data screens that are not editable

I just started using the Indoor Bike Activity with my Smart Trainer (Neo 2T) and at first couldn't add a map for my virtual rides.  Then I realized that I have to start the activity and that screen is there, it just wasn't something I can configure, ie add/remove.  It turns out that there are three data screens that come with the Indoor activity that you can not modify.  This seems like a bug or I am missing something.  For one, on the map there is one data field but its is dashed out for some reason. I have no way to modify that field.  Furthermore, the other two pages have various data, but again I can't edit or modify, they seem to come with the activity with no way to remove or change them. A bug or am I missing something?

  • I just tried, and had no problems editing my Bike Indoor data screens.

    Bike Indoor Settings> Data Screens> (Press the Start button where the pencil symbol is to start editing)

  • so i can add screens and edit those. however when you start the activity, three pages that i didn't create appear and it is those 3 that i can't remove or edit

  • so i can add screens and edit those. however when you start the activity, three pages that i didn't create appear and it is those 3 that i can't remove or edit

    You can remove or edit all screens:

    MENU > Activities & Apps > Bike Indoor > Bike Indoor Settings > Data Screens

    Once at that edit screen, press the upper right button and you will be presented with 4 edit options:

    Layout / Data Fields / Reorder / Remove


    P.S. I don't understand why you would need/want a Map screen for an activity that does not go anywhere Thinking

  • Are those three extra datascreens from navigation? The fact you have a map screen almost makes it sound like you have a route and it's given you the eextra data screens navigation gives in that case?

  • i have a smart trainer and can do a virtual course indoors. without the map i can't see how iam progressing through the course. something isn't right with the indoor data screens. still playing Seth it (which just caused the watch to crash) but it isn't working like other activities. when you edit activity/settings/data screens on the left side you should see all the pages, you pick a page and edit it. on the indoor bike the left side only shows one page, not the other 3. 

  • Then those extra screens are from the navigation extra ones

    Settings - Navigation - Data Screens

  • When you do an activity with a course, you can add extra data screens to any activity for navigation specific datafields like ETE,ETA that you wouldn't always need for non-course activities. You can add/disable/edit them from the settings I posted above

  • sorry but i guess you need to try it to see what iam experiencing. but you need a smart trainer to launch the activity. bottom line is that when i start the activity the are 3 pages i don't see when trying to configure the activity. those 3 pages i can't delete or edit

  • sorry but i guess you need to try it to see what iam experiencing. but you need a smart trainer to launch the activity. bottom line is that when i start the activity the are 3 pages i don't see when trying to configure the activity. those 3 pages i can't delete or edit

    OK, maybe we should take a step back and check a few basics:

    1. Are you starting the Bike Indoor App or something else?

    2. How are you connected to your smart trainer - ANT+ Spd/Cad, ANT+ PWR, ANT+ FeC, a combination of these, or something else?

    3. What smart trainer do you have?


  • Yep. Go to Settings - navigation then data screens. You can see there are three data screens added and a map screen there. Switch then off there and they won't appear