Do burned calories in an activity include the kcal I would have burned while doing nothing?

If yes is there a way to figure out only the kcal I added too my daily "normal" by doing the activity.

Might not matter for short ones But had had a longer tour of 8 hours and now I'm struggling to figure out how many pizzas I have to eat to keep my weight..

  • Activity calories do include calories for BMR. These calories are stripped out again for your daily totals.

    Look at your resting calories for a full day, like yesterday, and divide by 24 to get your hourly BMR. Then multiply by 8 for you 8 hour activity and subtract this from your activity calories to see how much extra you burned.

    Or, if you want to see all activity calories so far today, for the recorded activity plus anything else, then just look at your active calories total for today. 

  • I don't really think that's the best solution Garmin is using here. If I for example export my activities into a food tracker I want the real calories I have to eat more due to this activity, no place for the resting calories there.