Regarding the built-in data field for the GPS signal strength

As you probably already know there are a built-in data field called "GPS" which shows 0-5 blue bars depending on GPS signal strength.

Information from


The strength of the GPS satellite signal."

But, it doesn't work as it should for me and some other persons. The problem is that it always shows 5 of 5 blue bars within run activities. Even on places when it should show lower signal strength. So I have created a support ticket for the problem and the support personnel asks for the forum threads where this have been discussed before. I know that it have been discussions about this data field before but I cant find the threads now. So, if you have the same problem. Can you please write a note in this thread and also describe your problem with this data field? And if you have time, also register a support case regarding it Slight smile

Here is some screenshots that shows how it looks like. 

No GPS status shows 0 of 5 blue bars (probably correct)

Red GPS status shows 4 of 5 blue bars (not correct)

Orange GPS status shows 5 of 5 blue bars (not correct)

Green GPS status (both un-soaked and soaked) also shows 5 of 5 blue bars. Have no picture of it though.

  • My support ticket have now been forwarded to the developers so I hope it will be fixed later on. 

    If you have the same problem, please write a message in this thread. 

  • The display is (as you say yourself) the signal strength. The green area at the top only appears when the device has also determined a good position. Signal strength and position are not the same.

  • Maybe I have misunderstood the meaning of the red, orange or green area on top. I cant find Garmins official explanation now either. Do you have a link to the explanation?

    But, anyways, the data field for GPS signal strength is not working correctly on my Fenix 6X Pro Solar Titanium. It shows 5 of 5 bars even on places where it should show less signal strength.

  • It shows 5 of 5 bars even on places where it should show less signal strength.

    How do you know it should be less. If you are in a concrete building without windows, I agree with you. Then no beam should be knocked out. What conditions do you mean ?

  • The number of blue bars corresponds to the colours on top of the watch face. Red is always 4 blue bars. Orange is always 5 blue bars. I can go back and fourth between red, orange and green and the blue bars follows directly so its a connection between them. 

    Even in really dense woods I'm getting 5 of 5 blue bars. Also indoors in concrete house with 3 layered windows. The GPS signal strength cannot be the best possible (5 of 5) in these places.

    The support staff is referring to weak GPS signal strength in other support cases. Even though the GPS signal strength data field shows 5 of 5 blue bars.

    I have never seen 1, 2 or 3 blue bars in the GPS data field. Only 0, 4 and 5. Strange? 

    We will see what the developers says later on. 

  • The support staff is referring to weak GPS signal strength in other support cases. Even though the GPS signal strength data field shows 5 of 5 blue bars.

    As I said, signal strength and accuracy are two different things. Here is a picture of my 65s. There you can display both. There is no data field for accuracy on the fenix. On a previous fenix (the original) you could display a satellite page. This is something that the 6 unfortunately no longer has, and has been discussed here.

    The fenix 6 only has the bottom data field (signal strength).

    I have never seen 1, 2 or 3 blue bars in the GPS data field. Only 0, 4 and 5. Strange? 


  • Yes, I had that GPS accuracy on my old Forerunner 310XT. Also number of satellites. But that is not possible on the Fenix 6 according to what I have read. There are no Connect IQ fields for it either so I suppose its not supported with the GPS chip.

  • I've been asking for a long time now, for the GPS datafield to show the number of satellites connected, and accuracy radius. The 5 bars alone, even if they are working correctly, simply just isn't enough information.

    What I've found, is that 5 full bars basically means you're locked on to anywhere from 4 to 25+ satellites and have "acceptable" signal strength and accuracy, by some unknown standard. 4 bars means you barely have GPS lock and have sub-par accuracy. 3, 2, 1, and 0 bars all mean the same thing, that you basically don't have enough GPS to determine your location. The problem with this, obviously, is that the meter showing all 5 bars has too broad of a range of GPS signal quality. It could mean you have 4 satellites and 100m accuracy, or it could mean you have 15 satellites and 3m accuracy, there's no way to know because the meter just doesn't give us any of that information.

    The watch has all the data about accuracy radius and number of satellites locked, Garmin just needs to give us a datafield that shows it to us, or AT LEAST provide developers with the ability to use that data in the SDK so they can make a CIQ datafield for it.

  • What I've found, is that 5 full bars basically means you're locked on to anywhere from 4 to 25+ satellites and have "acceptable" signal strength and accuracy, by some unknown standard.


  • This is a picture from the Forerunner 310XT