Hi all, new Fenix 6s pro which I've had for just over a week. (running 12.20)
To save a battery I'll try to have bluetooth off, and sync to my phone once or twice a day ( depending on whether I go for a run etc).
The issue I've now seen twice now, is on syncing my watch in the morning when I wake up, (having had heart rate data, pulse ox and sleep tracking overnight) no data appears on garmin connect, while clearly visible on my watch, I've enabled battery saver while asleep, but I've made sure the heart rate, pulse ox remains unchanged in that mode.
The first time I saw this issue was Thursday where I had bluetooth on overnight, after syncing I switched off bluetooth to save battery, turned back on late evening after my swim at 11 pm to sync, and no data came through from all day when the bluetooth was off. ( see image below) Syncing again, and trying sync via wifi had no luck. Despite seeing the data graphed on my watch.
Anyone else run in to this issue ? Aside from this the watch works flawlessly. Thanks in advance.