Fenix 6 maps

Hi, i bought a Fenix 6s Pro this week and I'm still exploring the watch but I'm wondering where can i get such maps as shown on the picture? Am i missing something or is that just a marketing move? Because when I open my map it is just a road on a white screen.

Thank you!

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  • Unfortunately I think that this differs depending on which region you are in. I'm from Sweden and have the European Topo Active Maps and it seems impossible to get the level of detail that some screen shots from Garmin shows. I think that it is only available when using US maps :-(

  • For Europe there are a lot of "Pro" maps available for different countries but they cost quite a lot, especially since most of the land survey agencies are releasing geo data using "open source" licensing today.

  • Which maps are installed and which map have you enabled? Sometimes it also helpful to zoom in and set the map datail to "high".

    The European topo active maps have a DEM map for elevation, but are showing no contour lines:

    same map with additional installed contour lines:

    Garmin Topo Germanypro v8:

    free osm topo map:

    With some additional added saved location (trees and a deer) the maps looks nicer... :)

    Depends on the installed, enabled maps and enabled detail grade. And, there are some saved location icons (mountain peak, bench, trees, deer) visible on my maps.

  • Hi , thanks for all those nice pictures. May I ask you some questions? Hopefully, this is not considered a hijacking of this thread...

    1. How did you create the pictures? I often see photographs of the watch, your's are much better than that
    2. On the last screen, some labels are missing (Tegelberg, Schutzengelweg, ...). Did you deactivate them?
    3. What about display speed? Assuming I use the last one or "free osm topo map", is it fast enough to use it for navigation while running the trail?

    Thanks for your help and advice! Best regards, Uli

  • Hi Uli,

    1. With the screenshot functionality (hot keys) of the device. After this via computer into this thread. The pics are stored in a folder named scrshot (or something like that).

    2. I think they are just not visible because of the scale and some more visible additional saved locations

    3. No problem with it, same speed/performance as the Garmin maps.

