Impossible to add bank card to Garmin Pay

I have owned a Garmin Fenix 6 pro since January. From the very first moment I used the Garmin Pay feature with my Revolut bank card. Recently my smartphone was no longer able to communicate with the watch and I had to reset and recreate the connection (this had already happened in the past). Now I should add my bank card again, so through the Garmin Connect app, I go to the Garmin Pay section and a message appears saying: "Your device does not support any card in this region".

The message is very clear but I don't understand how this is possible since I was using Garmin Pay until two days ago. Furthermore, since Revolut is supported and you can open a Revolut account basically everywhere in the world I think is useless to lock the opportunity to add a bank card based on location. I might live in a country without any bank supported by Garmin Pay but i still have the opportunity to own a Revolut account.

Anyone is facing the same issue? How we can solve it?

Thank you all for any suggestion!