Stress Measurement Issues After Activity - Please Post Here

This seems to have been an issue with most builds of the watch. I have emailed Garmin about it multiple times.

How many others Are experiencing the same thing?

After recording a run my watch (Fenix 6 pro) stops reading stress completely for about 1-2 hours. When it comes back on it is then intermittent for another 2-3 hours. 

It feels like this should be an easy fix!

  • Ha ha, definitely feeling a little obsessed with this stuff at present, takes my mind off all the other more important stuff going on Sweat smile

  • Yesterday i installed fw 10.10, made a factory reset with all data erase  (two times for sure). The night stress has only a small gap with no measurement at about 5am after i was on the toilette :). But hr reading is still continous so this is strange as well. I will check later, what happens after cycling. 

  • Interesting factoid - this morning I recorded a 5k walk with OHR. There was a tiny gap in stress measurement following the walk, but nothing of concern.

    This afternoon I walked 5k on the treadmill, using a chest strap. According to power from Stryd and also heart rate this as a more strenuous effort and Garmin recorded it as a treadmill "run" as I don't think there is a treadmill walk activity. The interesting observation is that there was no gap at all in stress measurement after this second walk.

    I think this points the finger much more at activity level/intensity being the issue rather than the technology used to measure heart rate.

    I was actually quite busy after the treadmill walk as I was checking, cleaning and replenishing rat traps in the back garden, so not sat still or resting. Yet all the stress data is there.

    P.s. I'm still on 10.00 RC as 10.10 rollout has not resumed after the weekend. Grrrrr!

  • Interesting, I found something similar today but with weight training. Went out for a short run with my youngest, then came back and did 30 mins of weights. You can see no stress after the run but as soon as the weights activity was saved it immediately started recording stress again. The run was not that strenuous (just over 1km Sweat smile).

    I’m going to test something tomorrow, I’ll do an 8km easy run and then test the stress. Then I’m going to run a dummy weights activity after and close after a couple of minutes and see if stress resumes just in case it’s something specific to the run workout.

    Both activities below used a heart rate strap and my heart rate was quite low with the weights. The gap after the immediate stress post weights was where I took the watch off to shower but perfect reading after that when putting the watch back on.

    My wife did a cardio workout this afternoon with her 6s with average HR of 135 and the last 4 hours have been terrible on the stress readings with 99% of time showing unreadable.

    Strange that it would be highly strenuous activity that causes it if a hard reset gets it working again but maybe that snaps the watch out of whatever confusion it’s suffering.

  • Still on 10.00 RC?? Can’t believe it’s taking this long!

  • Rollout is stuck at 50% since last week. I haven't tried firing up the laptop to check as the forum announcement still says 50. Ever since getting the watch in December I am always in the last group to get live software, only when rollout reaches 100%. I get that rollout might stall over the weekend, but at almost 20:00 on Monday in the UK I do wonder what they've been doing all day. How hard can it be the resume rollout today, even if it's on US timing?

  • Agreed, I got lucky this time as for the first 6 months my Fenix 6 Pro simple wouldn’t auto download any firmware updates apart from the sensor ones.

    Hoping they get this out there and follow it up with and app update to show the new stars in the next couple of days.

  • Something else which is very interesting... respiration rate continues to work fine after workouts while stress reading is gone. These both use HRV in different ways so if it’s there for respiration then it should be available for stress as well I would think.

  • Just tested my theory (only once admittedly). My wife ran a dummy weights workout for a couple of minutes and then saved it. The stress almost immediately kicked back in and has now worked solidly for the last half hour.

  • Same problems here with a new Garmin Fenix 6 Pro... And GPS position innaaccuracy, wrong altitude, wrong barometric pressure... I can't belivei t! Disappointed