Increase of Map Details and Orientation to Compass


The watch has been fantastic and great to be part of Garmin community.  Out hiking, I noticed that the detail of map depends on zoom level.  Hiking trail designation disappear at 0.2 miles. This is usually not sufficient if I don't have a route already created. Is there any way to increase the level of map details such that trail markets display at 0.3 and 0.5 mile levels?

Additionally, when movement is stopped, the map will randomly bounce around changing it's orientation, I'm guess based on GPS orientation.  Is there any way to force the watch to use compass for map orientation?  This would stabilize the map and great increase flexibility allowing to turn around to see around the map as I usually never leave it centered on the watch.

Examples below showing trail details disappearing at larger zooms. I understand the map may get "crowded", but will be helpful.

0.2 Miles

0.3 Miles

0.5 Miles

  • You can increase the level of detail by going in to the map settings, scrolling to detail and selecting "High".  That said, I wonder if you are on Less and not Normal or if it just depends on the location.  With the setting on Normal, I can still see the trail up to 0.5 mi and lose it at 0.8.  When I set it to High, I can still see the trails up to 0.8 and lose it at 1.2 mi.

    For reference, my map settings are:

    Map Theme - None (although I do like the High Contrast theme if I am running as I find it easier to see the trail markings at a quick glance)

    Orientation - Track Up

    User Locations - Show

    Detail - High (if you want to see at a higher zoom rate, but this is very overwhelming if you are in an area with roads or lots of trails close to each other)

    Marine settings are at the defaults - don't use them

    Draw Segments - Off

    Draw Contours - On

    I can't answer about the orientation although I was under the impression that it was based on compass when not moving.

  • Try calibrating the compass.

    Sensors> Compass> Calibrate

  • Thanks for pointing to the Map Details settings.  This does the trick!  Changed the setting from Normal to High, and not I can see full trail details at 0.3 and 0.5 miles.  Any further the details go away.  Guessing the level of details depends has a location dependency or trail type.  

  • you may also try to install openfietsmap maps (free!), even with high zoom the roads are displayed most probably as small path are stored as normal roads.  It did the trick in my epix and also solved an issue I had with navigation. 

  • does anyone know if there is higher battery usage when the details are set to high? i was wondering that on my recent runs...

  • if there is higher battery usage when the details are set to high?
    on my recent runs...

    Yes, of course.

    On the one hand, the processor is loaded more with computing work, on the other hand, the display itself consumes more power when a changing display contains more details. Each static pixel consumes no power, while each changing pixel consumes power (Memory In Pixel Display - MIP).

    “each pixel on MIP panels also has its own independent memory circuit which records its current status. When the display updates, only those pixels that need to change color draw down power from the device, the other pixels use no extra power. This means that when the display is static, it uses zero power.“

    You will have a much lower power consumption if you set up a training page with the clock display, and usually display it. If you then only open the map page when needed, your power consumption will be much lower.

    You have to decide whether this makes sense for you in practice. In any case, it is more energy efficient. Or you can let the display be active only when you turn your wrist.

    This is exactly the reason why Garmin will have completely dispensed with maps in the Enduro. It is completely trimmed for long endurance.

  • What I found helped.

    Setting to North Up not Track up. Then the map dissplay is much more stable and just the arrow pointing your direction rotates, not the whole display.

  • Thanks a lot for the detailed answer!