Garmin: Suggest feature to detect Covid-19


I'm sorry if my english is not so good as others. I live in Spain and I have Covid-19 in early symptoms.

I don't know is this could be possible but I think our devices could help to detect Covid-19 in some aspects.

1. Temperature: Is the device able to measure the body temperature? Or some temperature variation?

2. Could it be possible to solve the Oxygen measurement? Mine for example is 4% below the correct oxymeter. So to make it useful to detect Covid-19 I think we would need two improvements:

          2.a. Make a calibration menu for Oxygen in blood (each one could caliber with a medical instrument) 

          2.b. It would be a must if we can have an alert of Oximeter, same has HR alert. User could set what is the Ox you want to be alert. If set 90, if the watch measure 89 it woukd need to measure it each 5 minutes, if all are 89 or less you get the alert. It would be a must for people as me to control their asm.

3. Breath per minutes. If the virus is not permitting to enter enough air I think the breath per minutes wouod increase even in rest.

4. The virus is making people to be tired. Even if the user had 47 of body battery he is tired. I don't know if there is a way to control the "fatigue / fatiga"

CALIBRATION MENU: is somerhing very useful for all of us. If my oximeter is 4% below real measure what do I am suppose to do? Send it back? Or would it be better to caliber manually?

  • Why so skeptical?
    Medics use clinical data to classify persons as infected with Covid 19 without tests on virus/antibody presence.
    Also clinical devices such as oxygen saturation sensors are given to Covid-19 patient to monitor their state at home.
    E.g. to know when it becomes life threathening.

  • Why so skeptical?

    Because I work in the medical field.  Let's be perfectly clear.  I said your watch can not detect any virus.  I said your watch can (I can't overemphasize the word "can") detect changes in certain metrics.  Any changes the watch detects, regardless if it's 100% accurate, doesn't mean you have COVID-19 or any other virus.  The OP posted that Garmin add more features to detect the virus.  I'm telling you right now, it doesn't matter how many features Garmin adds, it does mean it can detect COVID-19.

    Medics use clinical data to classify persons as infected with Covid 19 without tests on virus/antibody presence.

    Absolutely incorrect!  They can use data to classify suspected COVID-19 infected people, but a test must be performed, even postmortem, to determine if a person is/was infected with COVID-19.  An infected person can zero, some, or all symptoms of COVID-19.  Let's say for arguments sake someone is showing all the symptoms.  Do you know how many different infections that could represent?  Symptoms data doesn't equal diagnosis.

    Also clinical devices such as oxygen saturation sensors are given to Covid-19 patient to monitor their state at home.

    Yes, this is true with diagnosed or suspected COVID-19 patients, but this device isn't in the form of a fitness watch.

  • No “Medical Device” can tell you better than your body when you’re coming down with something. As soon as you “feel” off, take the precautions. I’m a FIRM believer of Airborne, Sambucol/Black Elderberry Gummies and Cold Ez. 

    My wife (before this became a thing) had ALL the symptoms of COVID-19 in early February. She was down for 2 weeks. I loaded up on all the above and never got sick. No FLU, FLU shot, ever. I get a cold once every 2-3 years.

    Not saying it will work for everyone but there is also a report out of China about people with COVID-19 being treated with Vitamin C. Take this post as your wish but let’s avoid criticism as this was just typed out to help people.

  • How is the thread founder, , doing? Has he already recovered? 

  • Sorry detect was not a good word and suspect is better yes. In France we cant do so  much test and when we call doctor and stay at home its always suspicions.  Like watch ecg this do not replace real médical test. But all these metrics can help télémédecine or if we recover.

  • Well, the big jump in Chinese statistics on Feb 12 is that they included clinical cases without testing.

    Therefore my statement is correct.

    I give you they used more sophisticated equipment. But with time cases will be attributed to covid with even less evidence.

    What you state might be true in well-off states and situation under control. This is not the case for most. And the the things spin out of control elsewhere.

    And as I said earlier it might turn out it is not good enough to assess individuals due to reliability of the measures or the metrics taken are too unspecific.

    However, there is a chance this could be used to detect community spread and its range.

  • Well, the big jump in Chinese statistics on Feb 12 is that they included clinical cases without testing.

    Therefore my statement is correct.

    *Sigh*  I don't care if it was an official government or the blockhead neighbor down the street making these statements.  Without testing for the presence of the COVID-19 virus in the body, these are at best educated guesses and not confirmed.

  • They are officially reported by Chinese Health Secretary as both Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 related death.
    And these are accepted by WHO and the rest of the world. I find it surprising it is not good enough for you.

  • How is the thread founder, , doing? Has he already recovered? 

    They are not very active here, but 14 days ago (8 days after starting this thread), they reported that they're feeling much better