Apple Health Integration troubles


I just noticed that on every garmin connect sync, a random number of kilometers is sent to the Apple Health integration.

This interferes with my other data, like calories and other health stats that sync with apple health.

Also how does 10,72 km in Garmin Connect turns out to be 17,5 km in Apple Healthkit?

167 km a day? And 50000 kcal. Wow :)

  • Garmin is terrible syncing to Apple and have no sync the other way. 

    To be honest I would hope Apple would put their thumbs down and say to Garmin - "Fix it" and "Get 2 way sync" - "or you can't access Health Data at all" - that would at least put some pressure on Garmin to make things right. 

  • Hi,

    I never really used Apple Health but I found that at least step count and distance were bad. 

    Checking in sources, I saw that the data were populated by the iPhone and also by Garmin Connect.

    Health data is now more accurate after disabling Health in Settings => Privacy => Motion and Fitness


  • This is my walking+running distance from yesterday. It depicts quite well how terrible is GC integration with Apple Health.

    1. It sums data from my iPhone and from GC because the former correctly chunks it along the day, the latter not
    2. It inserts my indoor cycling mileage (that 40km ride in the morning) in the walking+running distance
    3. It syncs the bike activity three times 
    4. It adds my walking distance twice at the end of the day (once with last manual GC syncing with my watch) and once at the end of the day when syncing next day morning
    5. It can’t sort out the last minute of the day (11:59 PM, not 10:59 PM) when on DST

    That’s the same story pretty much every day.

  • yes - but it is not really a watch issue - the issues is with Garmin Connect Mobile - so I think posting in that forum will get better results (aka chance is slightly higher that the right person MIGHT read it. I doubt it but it might happen) 

    As I said - this has been a HUGE Garmin problem from the beginning of time. The developers is more focused on unusable notifications than fixing the basics.

  • I did realise too late I posted on the wrong section (accessed directly via thread search). I've linked the post above in the correct thread though.