Fenix 6 Pro rattle when vibrating

Hi All, 

Had my Fenix 6 Pro for just over 3 weeks now and I have started to notice a faint rattle when the watch vibrates. 

I have set the watch off the vibrate in the following scenarios and can confirm it is internal. 

  • Silicone watch straps off 
  • All buttons lightly supported (in case the rattle was coming from the buttons) 
  • Both top and bottom quick link pins supported

Has anyone else had this issue? 

I am disappointed as these watches aren't cheap but have these minor manufacturing issues... 

Will also be giving Garmin a call today  


  • Bonjour OliGerard, je suis tombé sur ces échanges en recherchant sur Google. Je rencontre le même souci sur ma 6x Pro, mais impossible pour le moment de joindre le SAV Garmin. Ce n'est donc pas qu'un soucis de mise à jour ? Merci pour ton retour

  • Bonjour

    Je te confirme que ce n'est pas un soucis de maj. Lorsque le problème est arrivé, subitement, je me suis posé également la question d'une mise à jour. Suite à mes recherches, j'ai identifié plusieurs utilisateurs ayant eu le souci et pour lesquels la seule solution a été le remplacement de la montre.

    Je me suis rendu au magasin (par chance je n'avais pas acheté par internet exceptionnellement) et en m'appuyant sur les messages du forum et sur une illustration concrète du problème, ils me l'ont changé.

    Depuis je ne rencontre plus le souci : chance ou correction du problème dans ma nouvelle version?

    C'est donc ce que je te conseille de faire également.

  • Mine just started doing it this morning. 

  • I can't stand i t.

  • Now that someone's 'unboxed' their Fenix 6 completely it shows that the buzzer appears to be just glued in, you can see some clear squeeze out on one side of the vibrator motor in their photo. 

    Older fenix model teardowns showed what looked like a screw mount holding the vibrator motor in place.    

    On the rattly ones the glue's just broken loose.  Two options, return it as a defect and get a replacement or open the case and get some glue in there to lock it back down.  I went with option A when mine failed but once the warranty expires I'll do option B if it happens again, it doesn't appear to be too complicated, the only concern is re-using the o-ring that seals the case back up. 

  • I have had my Fenix 6X since Dec 19,  updating from the 5X. Being in the military I have high use of the vibration alam when in enclosed quarters; however recently the watch has been rattling while vibrating. I have sung high praise of this watch to fellow colleagues; however I find it disappointing that it hasn’t reached my expectations. I am coming to realise the good old G Shock is a always a go to when you need something ‘battle ready’. 

  • Yep was replaced by Garmin. Took about 3-4 weeks from initial contact to getting the new watch to me. 

  • I had the same issue. I contacted support and they set up a replacement with no questions asked. Takes a bit for the replacement to get in but it was very simple. The rattling was not from the bands or pins. It was internal like the motor was loose from the frame. 

  • Yes at the shop I brought it. The replacement was only a few  devices apart from my first watch (by serial number). I don't use  vibrate function on the metronome (as I did on the first watch) and haven't yet had any issue with this watch