Hiking, how to show distance to next waypoint?

OK, so I've created a test course around my house on Garmin Connect. The course has two way points.

When walking I get the turn by turn directions without issue and I have a data field showing the time and distance to 'Next' which is the next turn. I was also alerted when approaching the waypoint.

However I can't see how to see the distance or time to the next waypoint as a data field.

There is an option under 'Navigation Fields' for 'Next Waypoint' but I think that's just the name of the way point (which is blank at the moment, different issue I guess)

Any ideas? I kind of need this so I can tell how long till the next campsite each day, not just the next turn.


  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to waltersjonathan

    I add the waypoints within Garmin Explore. They're then overlayed onto the course when navigating.

  • Hi,

    I'm facing the same issue, I want the Turn By Turn notifications AND set some waypoints on the trace in order to have "next waypoint" data field showing MY defined waypoint and not the next turn ! Why Garmin doesn't filter the waypoint in the data field in order to show only named and defined user waypoints ???

  • Going into Hiking activity settings did you tried to change settings in routing ->courses? Here you have Follow Course and Use Map that have different behaviours... 

  • Going into Hiking activity settings did you tried to change settings in routing ->courses? Here you have Follow Course and Use Map that have different behaviours... 

  • Just left this feedback for them www.garmin.com/.../

    People have been requesting this for years. On your Garmin watches with navigation, like the fenix 6X pro which I have, you need to make it so that you can have turn by turn directions and fields that will tell you the distance and name to your own self created waypoints. Not the next turn distance, you can leave those fields in there, just add fields that will tell you the name and distance to WAYPOINTS. If this doesn't get fixed, my next watch will be a COROS VERTIX 2. Thanks.

  • Your issue is very simple to work around. For the fenix6 and all devices without routing (the Pro as routing but GC does not differentiate that) when you use  "transfer to device" to send your course to the watch, GC embed the turns in the FIT file . The distance to next on the watch is the distance to the next waypoint, and include yours, but since GC embed the turn on top of your course points, you get both in the Distance to Next field. You an tick the system to transfer a FIT files without the turns embedded, and thus only your waypoints. To do that do not use the Tranfer to Device function, since it is then that GC does its thing. Instead in GC Export a FIT file for the course. Since then GC does not know the device it leaves the turns out. Then you need to transfer that FIT by hand by connecting the watch to the computer and moving the FIT file to the NewFiles folder on the watch. The course will now be free of turn announcements, which are pretty useless anyway. One comment suggested using RideWithGPS and sure that will do it, but I just point out you can achieve the same within GC. GC should give us a check box when transferring to choose if we want embedded turns or not but it decides for us based on the device and that is not always what we want.

  • GC should give us a check box when transferring to choose if we want embedded turns or not

    Exactly that!

    And I can confirm, what Martin868 said before, when you create a course in web GC with yours waypoints and downloading a fit file and transferring manually to the watch it will work like expected - distance to next will be your waypoint. Not perfect but it works..