Daily Suggested Workout prompts not working?


I’m using Epix on 9.33. I have enabled daily suggested workout prompts, I have a training status, and I have a race added to my calendar. I have also recently finished a Garmin Coach program for my previous race.

I’ve followed the tip to remove any files in the Workouts/Schedule folder on my Epix by connecting it to my computer.

Daily suggested workouts are available under Workouts in the Run activity on my watch and seem to be correctly connected to my upcoming race.

But, I still can’t get the daily suggested workouts to prompt me when I open the Run activity on my watch.

The suggestions are not available in Calendar on Garmin Connect either, but I don’t know if they should be. Today’s suggestion is however available in the Calendar on the watch.

Any suggestions?

  • Yes, I have the latest update, my watch updated around lunch yesterday, and it is still not working. I will the steps above again

  • I had the same problem. After reading this thread I tried removing the schedule workouts I had planned, I only always have 2 or 3 workouts planned in advance, I also remove any scheduled workouts once they’ve been completed or passed as a rule. I do all this using the Connect App after which the suggestions came back.

    This does makes me wonder if you are planning your own workouts Garmin assumes you don’t need any suggestions? Therefore this isn’t a bug. Would like to get a definitive answer off Garmin as I do like the suggestions alongside my own scheduled workouts.

  • The suggested workouts can always be accessed in the respective sport profiles under Training -> Workouts -> Daily Suggestions. 


  • Yes I know but I like the suggestion prompts in the calendar & activities. I now schedule my workouts in iOS calender on my iPhone and schedule nothing in the Connect calendar. A workaround that gives me the suggestion prompts as expected & my schedule workouts alongside the suggestion in the calendar widget 

  • I always get the prompts when there's no pre-planned workout on the respective day. I do follow a training plan, though, and my calendar is filled with workouts till the end of May. It's weird that it doesn't work like that for everyone. 

  • Is it a Garmin training plan or one you’ve created? 

  • It's a Garmin cycling training plan.

  • I’ve lost the daily suggested workout prompts too. They were working fine until fairly recently but at some point in the past month or two they’ve gone when starting an activity and have also disappeared from the morning report. They don’t show in the calendar either. I can still access them manually through the activity menu but it would be nice to have the feature function as it should. I’ve tried all the steps in this and other threads to no avail and have reached a point where the only thing left to do is a full factory reset. It’s something I’d rather avoid as I don’t want to go through the process of customising all the activity pages/widgets/glances etc again and don’t really want to wait for the HRV baseline to be re-established. 
    A firmware update has happened (11.28) while I’ve had the issue but it didn’t help at all. 
    Does anyone have any other suggestions before I do a factory reset! 

  • The problem is still there (if it is a bug) after the latest update. The only way I’ve got it working is as I’ve said above. Don’t schedule anything in your Garmin calendar manually (Workouts, events or training plans) ensure all previous ones are deleted. If the workouts don’t start showing again after that go to a run or cycle activity, select daily suggestions and the workout, view it and go back to the clock face. Prompts should now work. 
    it’s the only way I’ve got it working. 

  • Thanks for your reply Binzy, I appreciate your time!

    Unfortunately, in my case, even though I’ve worked through your instructions, it’s still not happening. I have checked my calendar for planned activities but haven’t found any. That said, although I can’t be 100% sure, I’m beginning to think that the disappearance of the suggested workouts coincided with starting a Garmin 5k running plan. All traces of this plan have been removed from the watch and Garmin connect but it made no difference. 

    I’ve also tried following a couple of manually selected workout suggestions for cycling and running over a few days but this didn’t prompt the prompts back into life!

    I’ll try a few more things but have a feeling I’ll end up doing a factory reset…..I’m going to be sooo fed up if that doesn’t work :-/