Wrong heart rate monitor during training

First of all, I wear the watch correctly, neither too tight nor too loose. It cannot slip during training and is far enough away from the wrist ankle.
Training is the repeated ascent and descent of the same mountain.

Question: The relatively correct pulse is displayed up to the 18th minute. From then on, despite the same effort (same incline, relatively same speed), I received heart rate data in the 115 range for over 23 minutes, although the 160 range would be correct? This deviation is extreme and I can no longer do anything with this data!
From the 40th minute onwards, my heart rate is back in the realistic range.
How can this be with a 1,100€ fitness watch? Absolutely unacceptable (Garmin Epix 2; Sapphire Brown Titanium)

Following another Plot (Training) with similar problem.

Beforehand: Yes

  • Hi,

    I've got myself a Epix Gen 2 about 1 month ago, and I'm also experiencing this issue. 

    I am using the watch quite frequently as a heart rate sensor for my Edge 830 while riding mountain bike.

    Today I have once more noticed during a long climb that the heart rate is showing something between 90-110 which is way to low.

    After some minutes it jumped from 110 to 160 and then dropped back to 100.

    I had a Fenix 6 Pro before which was way more accurate while being used as a heart rate sensor.

    The overall shown value seems to be to low at the Epix Gen 2.

    I would be very happy if this can be resolved, otherwise this makes it impossible to do heart rate based trainings sessions.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    I have the very same experience, I used to have the Fenix 6 PRo connected with 830 with no problems, now with Epix 2 the situation is sometimes good some other time extremely off.

    I am really annoyed by this problem, because along with the problem of HR on the backcountry ski reported in other messages makes my watch feel useless.

  • I recently got an Epix 2 and overall I'm happy with the readings from the optical HRM.  I have been recording rides on a Garmin 1030 plus with a HRM Run (1st gen) sensor as well as on the Epix 2 using the opitcal sensor and TBH the readings have been very close (+- 1bpm on a range of 40-160km rides).  Something strange happened today though when I was recording an indoor ride on Rouvy using the HRM Run sensor.  My heart rate went very high and average across the ride was 156bpm.  However, when I looked at the average heart rate around the exercise time on Garmin connect it was showing about 105bpm.  Short-term fix is not to wear the watch (annoying) but needs addressing.  Also does anybody know how to remove the HRM data for that period from Garmin Connect and use the activity data as it is screwing by endurance data etc

  • Instead of fixing the Problem with the Epix Gen 2, Garmin has released a new version the Watch having a different heartrate sensor onboard: https://www.garmin.com/de-DE/p/884198 


  • Today, I used my new Epix2 in a Ssprint Triathlon and since the beginning to the end, the wrist measured HR never surpassed 80 bpm…I was all the time near the maximum HR…

    I don’t know what happened exactly, but it happened before with my also trusted F6pro, I believe that it freezes in the swimming and it “never” recovers …

    Tomorrow, I will have a Sprint, let’s see how it goes…

  • I decided at that time to wear a chest strap (HRM Pro)! This I have ensured that the heart rate data is always correct and the training control during training is reliable. There is no other option in my opinion; not even with other models or other manufacturers. I can do without many data evaluations from Garmin, because in my eyes they are just gimmicks that are used for marketing purposes. Concentrate on the heart rate zones (for this you determine your max. HR and do not take the approximation of Garmin), the distance covered, the pace and if necessary still the slope. I still use the music function during the workout which is very handy. For my stretching routine and in everyday life, the timer function is helpful. For this you do not have to buy a >1,000€ expensive watch. Since I liked the Epix 2 very much at the time and since I wear it around the clock, it was not a complete failure. Nevertheless, you have to think twice about such an expensive purchase, because this watch will not last 10 years.

  • Actually, I think, I figured out for me what was causing the inconsistency. As crazy as it sounds, after swapping to a nylon strap, the heart rate monitor has become way more accurate.

    With the normal strap, I always had the problem that the watch were either too tight or too loose. Maybe this will help someone else as well to get better results :) 

    Looks solid I would say (mountainbike tour):

    Grey is the heartrate while the green line is showing the height.

  • You are right. Totally unacceptable HR and steps counting programs.. 

  • I totally agree with you. Totally unacceptable HR and step counting on Epix 2 . They work like the toys for 20$.