Training load focus not lacking all "high aerobic" training, but I get low aerobic or anaerobic scores?

have couple weeks been using Epix 2 and I don't get any "high aerobic" numbers to the training load focus, regardless of the training I do instead. Instead they are either low aerobic or then if speed up, it gives instantly anaerobic points, even if my heart rate has been much of the training in high aerobic zone.. 14 days ago everything was fine and suddenly after upgrading the sw to edge 530 or Epix this problem occurred.  I still do the same exercises and there used to be no problem with anything.  Forum about Fenix 6 I found someone with a similar problem below: 

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Hi Gilbert Jakub and all others with the same issue,

in the meantime on my side the issue is solved because of the Firmware upgrade of the Edge1030Plus from version 5.20 to 6.10.

So it has clearly nothing to do with any strap used. It was a major FW bug in the 5.20 SW of the Edge1030Plus.

The first ride I did after the upgrade of E1030Plus to 6.10 had Exercise Load of 195. This caused a jump from 0 to 185 on my High Aerobic training Load. The Low Aerobic and Anaerobic remained unchanged, so 10 points of Exercise Load are 'lost in space'.

1 week earlier, on FW version 5.20, I did almost exactly the same ride (both done indoor so very comparable) which upped Low Aer with 168 points and that was it. High Aer and Anaer remained the same where the start situation before the rides was also the same: 7-Day training load zero before both rides.

I suspect that maybe the basic FW version used for the 5.20 version was derived from FW versions earlier used for other devices which have had the same issue in the past as I found reported about elsewhere in this forum (mostly under a particular Garmin device like the Forerunner or Edge type).

Hope that Garmin will test future FW versions for devices much better than this one because now the whole Training Load Focus during the live period of 5.20, from 23-July until at least 15-Nov, is totally useless.

Also let's hope they never use the x.20 version again as root version because then it may be that the bug returns.

Epix has latest fw And my edge 530 has 9.40 FW ....aby solution ? Thanks

  • i thought you just set it to your MAX :)

    Yes, but for that you have to know what your true Max HR is. And it is rarely equal to the default formula 220-age. And as well the auto-detection of Max HR is not always working well, especially if you do not wear any HRM strap (though even with it, I already saw false detections). And using the highest HR that you find in your stats is even worse.

    The only way to get a reliable Max HR value is either by doing a test in a sport lab, or doing a self-conducted field test. Once acquired, disable the auto-detection on your watch. Max HR does not change with fitness, it only drops with age. So either you decrement it by a beat each year, or conduct a new Max HR test once a year (or two).

  • yes, of course it can be far from that formula, for example mine real one is ~13% higher. (and yes, it's from some max running efforts (my road biking is roughly 3-4% lower) and of course you need a chest HR monitor)

  • i thought you just set it to your MAX :) if you try to fiddle with it, just to achieve results that please You... what's the point on using all those metrics then .... ?

    It took me a while to figure how to set my HR Max right so that my training feedback matches my perceived effort best.

    You do set it up to your true Max HR, ... if you know it. 2 years ago the Max HR detection was not working well and was prone to serious errors. As for myself, I was not the runner I am now so I used a trial and error approach to set the Max HR. It took a while but it worked to get all the metrics to align with my capabilities and RPE.

    THings have changed in the meantime. Now the Max HR auto-detection is way better and get you a good number without maximal efforts. I also learnt to use a recent 5k PB peak HR, add 5bpm to confirm the Garmin number. All in all my Max HR didn't change that much over the last 2 years. I leave auto-detection on all the time and I see the Max HR auto-detection varies +/- 1bpm each time there is a new one.

  • I have the same issue with the same Watch. Were you able to fix the issue? And how? I would really appreciate if anyone have an answer to this. Spent a lot of time on Garmin customer service the last weeks and have not gotten any further. Suddenly no «high aerobic» since one month ago, exact same exercise and a lot in zone 4 and 3 (intervals and threshold). All training low aerobic or anaerobic.