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EPIX 2 Map details missing after upgrade to v8.18

Good day

Since upgrading to v8.18 two days ago my maps are missing key details. This occurs in all apps. I am able to see road names but no roads or trails. Strangely enough if I zoom out a lot I am able to see patches of roads but nothing around my immediate vicinity.

In the first image below you can see roads and road names on the right whilst on the left, the roads haven't rendered.

In the second image below you can see that no roads appear around my location but roads are visible further out.


I only have the TopoActive Africa map enabled.

I was able to immediately resolve the issue by manually downgrading to v7.35. I then upgraded again to v8.18 and the issue reappears.

This is a terribly frustrating bug that is preventing me from being able to use the map effectively for navigating trails.