Hey all I have the enduro 3 and wanted to know your thoughts on my battery life span.
Currently I’m getting 12 to 13 days of battery life with these factors/settings below and wanted to see if it is in line with what other e3 owners are getting. Seems low to me but maybe I’m a power user? Haha jk I’m thinking my last setting* is killing my power but just want to make sure.
Love the watch btw!
Here are my settings/setup (let me know if I am missing something:
Gesture off (backlight touch only)
Pulse ox only during sleep
Stock watch face (white background black Lettering)
Garmin share off
incident detection off on all activities
20 to 50k solar lux per day
Sleep scheduled from 8pm to 6am (batt saver on with wrist heart rate on and pulse ox during sleep, phone/wifi disconnected)
Manual WiFi music/podcast sync (Playrun) once or twice during that period
Torch used daily anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 mins
no phone connected during runs (BT manually turned off during exercise and turned back on when done)
Activity Data recorded every second (instead of smart)
battery application from CIQ installed
a couple of other CIQ apps installed but no watchfaces
*1hr to 2hr of sat IQ run activities everyday with MUSIC using BT headphones