Navigation Not Working - Distance Always 0 (Zero)

Former Member
Former Member

due to problem with EPO, in my case I delete everyday, do you have a widget or app to delete EPO.BIN of our F5X?

  • contact Garmin Support so that we can track how many people this is affecting

    What is the correct way to do this? I tried replaying to your PM here on the forum, but the forum software tells me that I do not have private messaging enabled. Tried to enable it under forum settings, but this option keeps resetting to disabled.

    Them I clicked "Get help with this product" link under the Garmin Express OSX app, but it takes me to a page that says: "WE’RE SORRY, THIS PAGE IS TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE".

    I tried but haven't found a way to contact the support.

    EDIT: Found a page that would allow me to send email to support, but the reCAPTCHA gets stuck. Doesn't show pictures, just shows the spinner but nothing happens, so still stuck. (the reCAPTCHA on this forum works just fine, but not on the support email submit form)
  • Call +1-888-442-7646 and choose the prompts for the Fenix series
  • Puustinen I found your email and thank you for choosing English for it. Due to your location, I can't reply to that email. So if a support agent gets back to you, please let them know that you have been taken care of. Also, while looking, I noticed you were on older software. It will not fix this issue but it could fix another issue that you might run into.

    tnasaelpm That works, but do not always work for people that live around the world. Skype calls and other services like that only go so far and when the call gets disconnects halfway through it, it only makes both sides growl to themselves. I have personally found sending people to works well. IT 'claims' that this page will link each user to their local support but this is another subject for another thread. Remind me and when we get the new forum platform that will allow us to send private messages and everything else without issues, we will have it then and make sure all the information is available to everyone.

  • for info: beta 13.23 -> problem still the same
  • PuustinenDue to your location, I can't reply to that email. So if a support agent gets back to you, please let them know that you have been taken care of.

    Thank you for the info! I have yet to hear back from the local support team.
  • Puustinen I have no idea why they didn't reply but they put you in our ticket. Sorry about that.

  • FYI Firmware 13.30 the same Problem after reboot. even with 2019_10 Maps installed

  • We continue to investigate this issue, but do not have a solution. As a temporary workaround, the watch will update distance if you are able to sync with Garmin Connect Mobile, Garmin Express, or plug into power.

  • thank you, that would have been great. but it does not work on my watch. Firmware 13.00/13.23/13.24 and 13.30. 

    Sync with Connect mobile via Bluetooth -> does not work

    Plug it into power source -> does not work

    Just plug it into something that can read USB-Massstorage such as an Computer or an Car-Radio -> Works. 

    For Info: on my watch it only works when the Watch is getting in usb mass storage mode. but i don't have to sync it with express. (i think one possibility could be, that it has something todo with locked files on the watch or file system rights.)

    @ ALL of YOU: Can somebody confirm, that when the problem exists, after syncing via bluetooth with the connect app solves it?

    if so, i immediately do a factory reset on mine. 

  • is there something a debug mode for software (like the existing hardware diagnostic mode) where you set log levels like debug or development. that i can get a log file out of my watch?