When on practice screens, can you please add an option to just see the last shot tracer instead of the only option of seeing the last 5 or whatever it is. Thanks for your consideration
When on practice screens, can you please add an option to just see the last shot tracer instead of the only option of seeing the last 5 or whatever it is. Thanks for your consideration
If that is what is meant, then it isn't a practical solution in my opinion. Other launch monitors have this functionality and it would be nice if the R50 had the same. I'm not really interested in…
Yesss. It currently shows all past shots, regardless of selected club. I don't have the best accuracy but even after 3 or 4 shots I can no longer tell which shot is the latest shot. Having to close a session…
where is this option? I don't see it in the view settings for the shot map... its just overhead view / shot data / average & accuracy / customize shot data (which just has the shot stats).
In the settings menu I used the firmware upgrade option, I was on 3.70 and got the message that upgrade to GLM 3.7.5 was available and let it install it. I believe they roll out the upgrade gradually, my device got it about 5 days after announcement that it was rolled out, so maybe your device will get it somewhat later. Why they do not provide the upgrade at same time for all devices I don't know
thanks... I just looked again and it let me update it. Also see that your suggestion works! Thanks for the information.
I just replied to fvdw again as I was able to update it. It looks like yours now (my software version is still 3.7 but now my app version is 3.7.5)
Simply press your "user" In range modes and all previous shots will be deleted. So hit 5 shots or how many you want to then hit your "user" and all previous shot tracers are viped out
Yes too many tracers and can’t tell which was last shot, please either change the color of newest tracer or just show one at a time
Someone in this thread posted you can hide all tracers except the last one.
Select club and then to the left is a screen that has “hide all”
I haven’t tried it yet however.