When on practice screens, can you please add an option to just see the last shot tracer instead of the only option of seeing the last 5 or whatever it is. Thanks for your consideration
When on practice screens, can you please add an option to just see the last shot tracer instead of the only option of seeing the last 5 or whatever it is. Thanks for your consideration
If that is what is meant, then it isn't a practical solution in my opinion. Other launch monitors have this functionality and it would be nice if the R50 had the same. I'm not really interested in…
Yesss. It currently shows all past shots, regardless of selected club. I don't have the best accuracy but even after 3 or 4 shots I can no longer tell which shot is the latest shot. Having to close a session…
where is this option? I don't see it in the view settings for the shot map... its just overhead view / shot data / average & accuracy / customize shot data (which just has the shot stats).
... or at least more difference in colour - eg all but very last shot in grey
Enable the “Hide Shots” toggle switch and your last shot should only display each time during the session.
where is this option? I don't see it in the view settings for the shot map... its just overhead view / shot data / average & accuracy / customize shot data (which just has the shot stats).
I also searched the R50 user manual and "hide shots" is not found
I think he means hide all shots in the left side menu where all shots per club are listed. There you toggle hide all. All shots then disappear from player view and all next shots you make will be shown. So you need to repeat it after evey shot or after a few shots
If that is what is meant, then it isn't a practical solution in my opinion. Other launch monitors have this functionality and it would be nice if the R50 had the same. I'm not really interested in manually having to do it after every shot.
Thank you for your response/input.. sorry if it it came off as dismissive.
The shot tracer was not well designed. It is a very weak feature in this price range. Almost as if nobody really tested it or just didn't care.
The shot tracer shows each shot on graphic of the driving range layout with the line traced from each shot in 1st person view or overhead view with scatter plot dots for each shot on the layout of the range.
You can change the direction if using distance range to record new tracer lines if you do not want to see the multiple lines from shots or you can end the current session to a start a new session.
In terms of your comment stating that you feel the shot tracer was not well designed, there is not any specific information outlining what about the shot tracer you are referring to...so I am not sure how to address the statement.
I can assure first-hand, that testing and care of features on the Approach R50 is exhibited here on our end at Garmin on all levels.
I understand your reply was not to me, but can you comment on my request for just having option to view just last shot tracer? I've used a lot of launch monitors and this seems to be present on all of them (at least that I have used). Even with 5 tracers on screen, it gets busy and difficult to see current shot, especially when just using the onboard screen.
the scatter plot is not working with 3.70 on my r50, again I ask when will this be fixed? Why do we in general do not get an answer on these questions? This is a forum and the aim is to discuss experiences an findings, or not? I would appreciate if the garmin employees would comment more on the questions rather then ignoring them. I paid 5000 euro for this device and it is not working properly I make an effort to report this to garmin . The minimum you may expect is an answer on questions raised. Sorry garmin I love this great device but support can (must) be better.