R10 For Left Handed Golfers

Hi Everyone,

I read Garmin's comments about the image of the right handed clubhead on their stats screen (they say it doesn't affect the numbers) and that's fine, but for a lefty, like me, this adds a layer of mental processing that we shouldn't have to deal with.  How hard can it be to create a button for lefties that flips around that image and anything else in the app geared towards righties?  I get it, it's just an image and has no bearing on the numbers, but seeing that image there while trying to read the numbers just throws me off, and at that moment, makes me have to think about ignoring the image.  It's like reading the word "BLUE" while written in the color green.  It's just weird.

Creating the button for lefties would be great, but getting rid of the image altogether would be fine too.  Golf is tough enough.  Help!


  • Path left, but face right means that Your face is more closed than Your path is left.

    Which means that the ball will start right, and spin right.

    In order to have a draw Your club face needs to be less closed than Your path angle, which means the ball will start left, and spin right.

    If the measurements are correct, I really can't see any fundamental difference if You're left handed or right handed

  • Hi Rob,

    Could I please be added as per your message?

    Thanks from another Lefty. 

  • Maybe I confused you with my wording.  I practice regularly on a trackman so I understand the numbers / measurements pretty well. So I said path left and face right. (I should of said of path).

    I meant path left and face right of path.  I was just shortening it and saying left and right.  But either way i said it’s showing a cut ball flight on the range.  Which isn’t correct no matter what.

    path 3L Face 1L (Face 2R of Path)  

    Trackman World.  PATH -3 Face -1 FTP +2

    So that ball flight would be a nice little baby draw. Ball starting just left of center (target) and falling just right of target.

    On the driving range it’s showing the opposite ball flight.  At first I thought it was alignment.  But I got that best I could. So I don’t know.

    Could be heel strikes which would make that happen as well but I know when I get one of those.

    also I hate the picture reference.  The club path and face angle and ball path ,  being that it’s a right handed club I don’t think those are correct either.  Wouldn’t it be backwards.  

    moral of the story,  just do an update to make it so it adapts to left handed people.  That is all .  Lll

  • Yes, Your path and face should be a slight draw.

    I'm definately not sure how the sw works, if it is considering path and face when calculating, or merely what is measures from ball flight.

    If the latter then aligning the direction is important. If the flight is constantly more left or right than You believe, normally aligning the direction better will help.

    On range this is easy as I will find a flag, align the unit to same flag, and compare what I actually see with the result to fine tune.

    Indoor or hitting into a net is more uncertain.

  • Yea idk man.  It just seems a little off, but for a $600 Unit ,  it’s pretty damn good.  I do find it hard to align with that little red line.  I mean 3 degrees off isn’t barely noticeable ….. in everything, except golf lol.  3 degrees is a fairway or rough.My major complain is just updating it so when looking at the shot information it’s applicable to me.  Left handed club face and all that.  I don’t think that would be hard to code.  But I also don’t code.

    Anyways good chat.  Take care. 

  • I bought mine today and am personally offended by the snub.  Considering return.  

  • Yea it sucks.  I was hoping the more people that complain or say something they will make the update.

    Speaking of updates, I hadn’t used mine for a while since …well… I don’t like the non left handed part, and talking on here about it got me to pull it out again.  I noticed the new range options.  That’s kinda cool.  I like the islands with different yardages.  Makes it funnier than just picking a yardage.  But again I would think an entire new format like that is harder than turning the club around…? 
    But like I said before,  for the price it’s not a bad unit. But I don’t put too much into the club path / face angle numbers.  I treat it as an estimate.  (Attack angle os another one). Everything else when I tested side by side with trackman was pretty close. So… $25k vs $600…, it’s pretty good.

    Keep it and have fun!

  • But if your left handed you will get a headache trying to figure it out. It clearly states,  left or right handed.  But, as I have said before.  5 degrees left ( face) for leftie is open . Right handed it is closed. You end up with a overpriced launch monitor.  Not a flight simulation.  I have been told my programmers.  It's very easy to add a left handed mirror into the app.  Garmin just gives a runaround approach to it. And that's not fair to us that paid for something we are not getting. 

  • What is the status of adding the left handed feature to the R10 via a software update?

  • Hello, this is still under consideration by our development team. If anything changes I'll be sure to update this thread.