R10 distances seem off.

I have been using the R10 for a couple days now and my distances seems way off. Seems very club is approx 20yards short from the range? Is there anything that needs to be done with calibration?

  • Just a little update from yesterday for me. Out of the box I was hitting it into my hitting net in the backyard, and was definitely 20 to 30 yards short on all clubs. Today I took it to the driving range and it was much more accurate. For instance, yesterday by nine iron into the hitting that only went $125 yd, today at the range it was registering 155 yards, which is my normal.  Driver into the hitting net yesterday was 200 yards to 210, today at the range it was 240 to 250. Etc.....

  • Based on all the responses... @the Range is pretty good.     Hitting into a net (indoors OR outdoors) is pretty much worthless.   Is Garmin going to respond to this???

  • im having this problem as well, Short clubs like Lob, Sand, Gap, Pitching Wedge seem to be pretty darn accurate once i get to 9+ gets worse 7 even worse, hybrids worse. prob 20 yards short. I'm indoors, have yet to try it at the range.... will report soon if not fixed i guess and get a skytrak

  • i wonder why it doesnt work well indoors if this is the case, is it the distance the ball has to fly for it to read better is it the color of backdrop thats a problem.. urgh......

  • So I haven't seen any solutions put forth by Garmin.  And no private messages from Garmin sent to me in reply to my earlier post.  Did they not test the accuracy of the unit inside, hitting into an impact screen??  People bought this for the simulator functionality.  If they just wanted a launch monitor, there are cheaper options.  Now I am out $800 for a projector.  $600 for the R10.  $600 for a simulator enclosure.  $170 for a golf mat. 

  • Feel your pain.   This is a very new product and latest f/w jacked it up.   I'm very sure this will get addressed ....eventually this will make it to YouTube and then it will get ugly fast if they don't act....

    All we see are the big content creators that are singing the praise that led to these purchases....pretty soon the angry owners will be posting WTF videos....

  • The good news I think is that these errors all seem consistent. In testing, consistency and repeatability are good to have because you can correct these reliably. Let's give Garmin some time to gather data points and adjust the algorithm and firmware. Rarely does an early launch product perform the same as it does a few months down the road with updates. Relax and keep hitting high nasty bombs :)

  • It’s uncanny but the iron distances indoors are exactly 2 clubs short. (Increased distance from Ball to unit and ball to screen to exactly 8+8. Tried 7-0-9, 6-0-10 etc. same results.)

    will post outdoor range numbers later today for exactly same irons.

  • I am seeing the ub head speed be pretty accurate but the ball speed launch and spin seem to be off to make the distance off by 15 to 25 yards depending on the club, please include me in any troubleshooting steps.  I am indoor 8ft to an offwhite hitting screen and 7 ft  behind the hitting surface.  A spot light on the contact area and well lit garage in general.