Radar is too cold


since two weeks when using the device as simulator, after 10 seconds I get the message "The radar is too cold. It must warm up to over -4F (-20C) before the radar can be used again.

However, I am not in antartica. Its +28 Celsius now and still summertime.

This message pops up immediately and I cannot use the radar features at all.

The device is updated.

Thanks for your help.


  • If you are experiencing an issue with your Approach G80 during use of the Radar features, please see the following FAQ - Troubleshooting Radar Features of the Approach G80.

    If you are seeing a message of 'The radar is too cold. It must warm up to over -4F (-20C) before the radar can be used again' on your G80, please place the unit in a room temperature location to warm it up.

    If you store the G80 in a warm location and the unit wasn't previously cold and you feel you are seeing this message in error, please contact Garmin Product Support directly to discuss further solutions.