over 3 years ago


Weather forecast on 24 rather than 12 hours

Can you enrich the Toybox.Weather.getHourlyForecast() to give a forecast for 24 hours instead of 12 hours? 

Why we need a full day / 24 hours weather forecast? 

  1. in the morning, you need to know if there won't be a rain the whole day till the evening
  2. often you want to check weather for tomorrow to prepare before you go to sleep

Thanks for considering. This would make it finally usable. 

  • Finally, we get so frustrated of not having this info from Garmin, that we built a backend that prepares an accurate weather forecast (from Climacell or for the watch and made it available to all by simply late! and simply analog!. It works as a charm.
    But if you ever make 24h forecast available, it would be much simpler. It would be great to add also a precipitation in mm. People just plan differently if there will be 1 mm and 10 mm of the rain. 


  • I agree with myneur. I am living in an area with different weather conditions. So its maybe sunny in cologne, driving 50km to Wuppertal and its raining. So it happens, I do not have correct weather forecast over the day, when traveling

  • Related problem is that the watch often has a forecast for a wrong location, because it is not updated from the phone, but only by an activity:

    So you can be getting a wrong forecasts after a remote weekend without even knowing that.

  • One thing to note here is you don't always get 12 hours.  I've seen as few as 9.  It seems to vary based on the actual time, and how far in the future they can provide a forecast.

    Another thing to note, is how long it's been since a device has gotten data from a phone.  If it last got data at say 13:00 and it's now 16:01, the old forecasts drop off, so you can actually wind up with no hourly forecasts..

    There's more in this thread:

    I'm not looking for a change, but wanted to note this is something that you need to deal with in an app - you can't count on it always being 12 hours

  • > summer daylight in northern Alaska is more than 1900h

    Creative reply:) Nobody tries to get through the whole polar day by a single activity without sleeping though:) And that's the point. BTW when we were travelling in the polar day in Norway, our biological day (the time after we got naturally tired) was 26 hours long (including 8 hours sleep).  

    If you travel 100 km away, you probably need to evaluate more detailed weather to plan multi day trip. Something that you hardly fit to the watch. The watch is good for the easily accessible daily re-assurance how the next day will look like. 

    > I will file an enhancement request to update the system to provide 24h

    Thank you Travis. Really appreciated. Despite the fact it seems we don't agree on importance of it, I hope it will get finally through.