over 5 years ago


vivoactive 3 phoneConnected always true

Seems that as a result a recent firmware update to the vivoactive 3 the Sys.getDeviceSettings().phoneConnected as well as settings.connectionInfo[:bluetooth].state always return true/CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED regardless if the phone is connected or not.  These calls have been working fine for many months.  Is there a new process for getting connection state?

  • I have the same issue with my VA3. Somehow it seems to find a proper connection status when restarting the VA3, but it goes wrong as soon as a connection is again made. It is also not a question of watch faces, as changing the watch face does not make a difference.


    > My Connect app works on Android

    > Bluetooth of VA3 is always on

    > Bluetooth of phone is on and Connect app can synchronize with VA3

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is ON


    > I turn off the bluetooth of my phone

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face remains ON (no change of status, even after hours/days)

    > Alternative workflow

    Alternative workflow 1:

    > I turn off my VA3 and turn it back on

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is OFF

    > I turn on the bluetooth of phone (Connect app can synchronize again)

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is ON

    > I turn off the bluetooth of my phone

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face remains ON

    Alternative workflow 2:

    > I change to another watchface, also with a connection status symbol

    > Connection status symbol of my other watch face also remains ON

  • I have the same issue with my VA3. Somehow it seems to find a proper connection status when restarting the VA3, but it goes wrong as soon as a connection is again made. It is also not a question of watch faces, as changing the watch face does not make a difference.


    > My Connect app works on Android

    > Bluetooth of VA3 is always on

    > Bluetooth of phone is on and Connect app can synchronize with VA3

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is ON


    > I turn off the bluetooth of my phone

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face remains ON (no change of status, even after hours/days)

    > Alternative workflow

    Alternative workflow 1:

    > I turn off my VA3 and turn it back on

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is OFF

    > I turn on the bluetooth of phone (Connect app can synchronize again)

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face is ON

    > I turn off the bluetooth of my phone

    > Connection status symbol of my watch face remains ON

    Alternative workflow 2:

    > I change to another watchface, also with a connection status symbol

    > Connection status symbol of my other watch face also remains ON

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