over 2 years ago

Issue was unable to be reproduced. Issue most likely patched in a newer firmware update/SDK release.

Venu 2S Battery Drain with the Sensor Permission

The Venu 2S appears to have a bug where there is significant battery usage once you add the `Sensor` permission to your app. This is even for simple apps that never update the display, and don't use the sensors, as soon as you add the Sensor permissions, even if you never call its classes, this problem occurs.

On our Venu 2S unit we are using for testing, our test setup is as follows:

- Our battery test app - an app that just displays a digital clock, request update from watch UI every 30 seconds. We believe the issue would occur even if you never requested Ui updates.

- connect iq sdk 4.0.2

- Venu 2S firmware: 3.40

- Test hours - 11:30pm - 7:30am

- pulseOx set to measure at night

- Display Timeout medium

- Gesture sensitivity low

- Battery saver off

- Watch Battery drain without Sensor Permission <10% (this is the same whether you run the app or just are running the default watch face)

- Watch Battery drain with Sensor Permissions >25%

We've been trying to narrow down on the battery drain for a few weeks. In one of our other apps we noticed the problem, where the Venu SQ wasn't seeing a noticeable difference in battery while using our app, vs without. But the Venu 2S was seeing a significant difference which would result in us needing daily charging.  In our real app we changed our timers to only use the Sensor classes every 15 seconds (from 4) and were surprised to see no difference in the battery usage. We finally found that it happens the moment we add the Sensor permission on the Venu 2S

  • Have you tried to see how it works on FW: 3.40? Since that is currently available for the Venu 2 / 2s devices. I will still be looking into this issue, but it may be worth looking into the newer firmware to make sure the problem wasn't already addressed.

  • Have you tried to see how it works on FW: 3.40? Since that is currently available for the Venu 2 / 2s devices. I will still be looking into this issue, but it may be worth looking into the newer firmware to make sure the problem wasn't already addressed.
