SDK: 7.4.3
Type check level: any non-0 level, including the default level
Consider the following (invalid) code:
var pressure = Sensor.Info.pressure;
As expected, this produces a type check error:
Cannot find symbol ':pressure' on class definition '$.Toybox.Sensor.Info'
However, if Sensor.Info is (incorrectly) assigned to an intermediate variable and the same lookup is attempted, the type checker says nothing.
var info = Sensor.Info;
var pressure2 = info.pressure;
At runtime, pressure2
will be null. It could be argued that info.pressure is an invalid lookup (same as Sensor.Info.pressure), and that perhaps info =
doesn't make any sense, either. Is it valid to assign a class to a variable like that, so it can be presumably passed around to other functions? This doesn't seem to be a common or valid Monkey C coding pattern.
For example, the following code produces a type check error as expected:
function test() {
foo("42"); // Invalid '$.Toybox.Lang.String' passed as parameter 1 of type '$.Toybox.Lang.Number'
function foo(x as Number) {
System.println(x); // prints "42" if the type checker is disabled
But the following code produces no type check error, even though surely a class type is not compatible with a Number type:
function test() {
var info = System.Info;
function foo(x as Number) {
System.println(x); // prints "class"
And the following code crashes at runtime, which is further evidence that it doesn't make sense to pass classes around in Monkey C
function test() {
foo(System.Info); // crashes at runtime [*]
function foo(x as Number) {
[*] Crashes with error message:
Error: Symbol Not Found Error
Details: Could not find symbol 'Info'