
The Store is being decimated by a handful of developers spamming low-effort apps

IoFace, Islandic, SunEast, Echelon, Wonderful, Saraswatches, Warm, FaceTime, Estefania83, tatu_vic

They just blatantly SPAM the heck out of the store.

This issue is now a weekly subject on /r/Garmin with hundreds of upvotes and people fuming and complaining.

This has gotta stop.

  • You asked for feedback on some moderation questions:

    • Is someone that makes a lot of watch faces a spammer?
      • It depends. One click on a developer's page and 10 seconds is enough for any rational moderator to decide if they are a spammer or not.
      • E.g.,
        • reasonable number of apps with healthy number of downloads and reviews (users giving their vote of approval) -- not spammer.
        • many apps (> 100) with low number of downloads and no reviews -- spammer. Spammers pump out an unusually large number of low effort apps. 
      • Since Garmin wants CIQ store to be community-driven, allow us in the community to vote down an app or developer. If you give us these tools to vote down and flag apps or developers and collect the stats, I suspect you'll get a nice report every day with just a handful of developers being flagged by the community as spammers. 
    • What about someone that is learning and creates some objectively poor watch faces but offers them earnestly?
      • Their new apps can be shown in a special "New" section. (E.g. see for how new posts appear).
      • New apps should not be listed above more popular apps that have been "voted up" by users (Downloads and Ratings).
      • New apps need to earn their place in the listings through users' votes (Downloads and Ratings).
    • Are watch faces that are too similar in design spam?
      • Yes. 
      • Watchfaces with the same complications but different backgrounds? Spam. See my previous post with titles like "African lily flowers", "Impala lily flower", "Fairy lily flowers", "Blooming red flowers", etc. 
      • Garmin, don't forget that you own CIQ store, you set the rules. You have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise, what's stopping clowns from spamming even more variations like "12 hour format", "24 hour format", "white text 1", "white text 2", "red text 3", "red text 4", "blue text A", "blue text B", "white text with three data fields", "blue text with 2 data fields", ... do you see the problem?

    What to do when a developer gets flagged as a spammer by the community?

    • Send them an email with the Terms of Use
    • use of the CIQ is a privilege, not a right. As you said, Garmin provides CIQ as a hosting service. If a developer misuses their privilege, limit or revoke their privilege. 
  • You asked for feedback on some moderation questions:

    • Is someone that makes a lot of watch faces a spammer?
      • It depends. One click on a developer's page and 10 seconds is enough for any rational moderator to decide if they are a spammer or not.
      • E.g.,
        • reasonable number of apps with healthy number of downloads and reviews (users giving their vote of approval) -- not spammer.
        • many apps (> 100) with low number of downloads and no reviews -- spammer. Spammers pump out an unusually large number of low effort apps. 
      • Since Garmin wants CIQ store to be community-driven, allow us in the community to vote down an app or developer. If you give us these tools to vote down and flag apps or developers and collect the stats, I suspect you'll get a nice report every day with just a handful of developers being flagged by the community as spammers. 
    • What about someone that is learning and creates some objectively poor watch faces but offers them earnestly?
      • Their new apps can be shown in a special "New" section. (E.g. see for how new posts appear).
      • New apps should not be listed above more popular apps that have been "voted up" by users (Downloads and Ratings).
      • New apps need to earn their place in the listings through users' votes (Downloads and Ratings).
    • Are watch faces that are too similar in design spam?
      • Yes. 
      • Watchfaces with the same complications but different backgrounds? Spam. See my previous post with titles like "African lily flowers", "Impala lily flower", "Fairy lily flowers", "Blooming red flowers", etc. 
      • Garmin, don't forget that you own CIQ store, you set the rules. You have to draw the line somewhere. Otherwise, what's stopping clowns from spamming even more variations like "12 hour format", "24 hour format", "white text 1", "white text 2", "red text 3", "red text 4", "blue text A", "blue text B", "white text with three data fields", "blue text with 2 data fields", ... do you see the problem?

    What to do when a developer gets flagged as a spammer by the community?

    • Send them an email with the Terms of Use
    • use of the CIQ is a privilege, not a right. As you said, Garmin provides CIQ as a hosting service. If a developer misuses their privilege, limit or revoke their privilege. 
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