
The Store is being decimated by a handful of developers spamming low-effort apps

IoFace, Islandic, SunEast, Echelon, Wonderful, Saraswatches, Warm, FaceTime, Estefania83, tatu_vic

They just blatantly SPAM the heck out of the store.

This issue is now a weekly subject on /r/Garmin with hundreds of upvotes and people fuming and complaining.

This has gotta stop.

  • "They do contribute to an overburden of apps on the server with to many apps and as you can read in these topics it interferes with the use and enjoyment of the Site of a lot of people."

    Point taken. I'll start an internal discussion about this topic of spam specifically.

  • "They do contribute to an overburden of apps on the server with to many apps and as you can read in these topics it interferes with the use and enjoyment of the Site of a lot of people."

    Point taken. I'll start an internal discussion about this topic of spam specifically.
