
Sporadic Failure of Properties.getValue() on Venu2 family

On Venu 2 devices, I'm seeing sporadic "Unhandled Exceptions" when there should be no exception.

The Properties.getValue call only has 2 published exceptions it can throw:

  • (Lang.UnexpectedTypeException) —Thrown if key is a disallowed data type
  • (Properties.InvalidKeyException) —Thrown if key does not exist in Application Settings

Neither of these seem applicable.  The line implicated is this:

showSeconds = Properties.getValue("YShowSeconds");

Reviewing the possibilities:

  • Lang.UnexpectedTypeException: The string value key is obviously an allowed type, so it's not that.
  • Properties.InvalidKeyException: This property is defined correctly. It runs in the simulator on Venu 2. It runs on all other devices.  This is just a sporadic failure.
Given these, I'm not sure what else I could do to resolve this. 
Here is some more context:
  • Right before the implicated line, there are 3 other Properties.getValue() calls made. They seem to be successful, and the properties are defined in the same file as the line that is failing.
  • This call happens upon app startup.
  • I don't believe this is happening on any other devices.