Under Review
over 1 year ago

Simulator 4.0.7 does not seem to work on Linux

Running Linux SDK 4.0.7 (in Docker):

- monkeyc works OK

- simulator launches OK

- monkeydo launches OK

- BUT nothing appears in the Simulator (which keeps displaying the Garmin blue triangle)

monkeydo-ing the binary compiled above in the SDK 4.0.6 does work (application launches and behaves just fine)

  • No luck. I use an ephemeral Docker container and /tmp/GARMIN is reset at each run.


    * launch simulator[4.0.7]

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.7] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg ... -> does NOT work (no /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG gets created)

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.6] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg -> WORKS (and creates /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG)

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.7] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg -> WORKS (using existing /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG)

  • No luck. I use an ephemeral Docker container and /tmp/GARMIN is reset at each run.


    * launch simulator[4.0.7]

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.7] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg ... -> does NOT work (no /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG gets created)

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.6] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg -> WORKS (and creates /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG)

    * java monkeybrains.jar[4.0.7] -s shell[4.0.7] -f some.prg -> WORKS (using existing /tmp/GARMIN/APPS/SOME.PRG)

  • update, removed those directories along with ~/.simulator (including config.ini) uninstalled the connectiq versions then deleted the ~/.Garmin folder then deleted /tmp/Garmin and /tmp/Garmin and then restarted.  After reinstalling connectiq from the sdkmanager, I tried again and it worked.

  • I also see the blue triangle (garmin_triangle.png).

    Thanks for the tip that the temp folder was in the root (/tmp/Garmin and /tmp/GARMIN) and not the ~/.Garmin directory.  Did you figure this out?  I am using:

    $connectiq (& or a new tab)

    $monkeyc -d fr45 -f monkey.jungle -o mywatchface.prg -y mypath/developer_key && monkeydo mywatchface.prg fr45

    It was working, but now it's not.  Uninstalling everything from sdkmanager and deleting ~/.Garmin doesn't help.

    I'm using vscode and

       create a fresh project with ctrl+shift+p >Monkey C: New Project with minimum API level 1.4.0 and fr45 as a product.

    I reran the compilation line a lot, sometimes it would update the connectiq instance, but sometimes it'd hang and I'd have to kill both and restart them.  These are likely related.  Probably some file got corrupted?