over 3 years ago



Problem entering negative numbers to settings in GCM (Android & iOS)

I have some app settings which are set as "numeric" type and allow users to enter any number, but there can be difficulty entering a negative number into the setting, specifically in entering the negative sign itself.

1) In GCM Android if you delete the existing value from a numeric setting and start typing a negative number starting with the "-" then it won't let you enter the "-" on its own. First you have to type a number, then move the caret back to the start of the line, and then it lets you enter the "-".

2) I've also recently had a user report the same thing on iOS (I assume GCM but they haven't confirmed it yet). They couldn't enter a negative sign whatever they tried - even trying to insert it before an existing positive number. The only workaround they could find was to copy and paste a negative number into the setting from another app.

Parents Comment Children
  • Huawei phones are kind of odd in a few ways.  I'm using a Samsung.

  • Good suggestion - I just gave this a test in my beta app, but it made no difference unfortunately (apart from giving an error on trying to enter a number outside the range!)

    I've also just installed your Zones watchface to test that, but it works in the same way for me. So it seems like it has to act differently depending on phone software ...

  • Here's what I use.  Maybe because I specify a range?

            <setting propertyKey="@Properties.tz0" title="@Strings.tz0">
                <settingConfig min="-12" max="12" type="numeric"/>

  • My setting is just defined like this (so no extra options or anything):

        <setting propertyKey="@Properties.37" title="@Strings.Field2ndTimeZoneOffsetTitle">
            <settingConfig type="numeric" />

  • GCM Android, build version 4.22.1 running on a Honor (Huawei) phone - I have a UTC offset too Slight smile Maybe the difference is related to interaction with the (operating system?) keyboard that pops up to allow text entry? My phone is basically stock with no extra software installed - I just use it for watch settings Slight smile