over 3 years ago



Problem entering negative numbers to settings in GCM (Android & iOS)

I have some app settings which are set as "numeric" type and allow users to enter any number, but there can be difficulty entering a negative number into the setting, specifically in entering the negative sign itself.

1) In GCM Android if you delete the existing value from a numeric setting and start typing a negative number starting with the "-" then it won't let you enter the "-" on its own. First you have to type a number, then move the caret back to the start of the line, and then it lets you enter the "-".

2) I've also recently had a user report the same thing on iOS (I assume GCM but they haven't confirmed it yet). They couldn't enter a negative sign whatever they tried - even trying to insert it before an existing positive number. The only workaround they could find was to copy and paste a negative number into the setting from another app.

Parents Comment Children
  • So on iOS you can't use GCM, and if you use GCIQ Store app you can't enter negative values - that makes things tricky!!

  • My report was for GCIQ. For GCM there is another bug which affects settings - you cannot save your settings and default setting are used instead ( ). I reported it two weeks ago, Garmin submitted a hotfix and now we are waiting for Apple to approve it.

  • Oh interesting! Your bug is similar, but also different - in yours there isn't even a negative sign you can press! At least when I am editing the value I can see a full qwerty keyboard layout - it just won't add any letters (or the minus sign) to the value displayed in the setting.

    I wonder if it could explain my user's problem on iOS, although he said he tried going through the same process I mention above on Android (enter a number digit, click at start of line, then it can let you enter the minus sign) but it didn't help. It never even crossed my mind that he could have only a number digit keypad layout instead of a full keyboard layout. I still don't know if he was using GCM or GCIQ Store app as he never replied again.