over 4 years ago

Activity.Info.altitude uses barometric pressure for altitude and falls back to GPS altitude while Position.Info.altitude is GPS only.

Playing back fit file in simulator

I can't help myself, but info.object values do not match what I see in fit file (when viewing fit externally)

Even I take tcx file (so I can read it), convert it to fit, play it back in simulator I still see different values, esp for elevation (at least that's what I care about). These are not completely different values, it's like 50-100m off, but I see no reason why this is happening. Is it known behavior? 

  • Vivoactive, therefore no baro altimeter, just GPS. That was my first thought, therefore I converted fit to tcx, looked into tcx and it starts like <AltitudeMeters>1047.5</AltitudeMeters>

    info object however starts like

    info.elapsedDistance = 0.000000
    info.altitude =1007.994629

    (those are my prints)

    Can I view fit content directly using some Garmin tool? I used ... perhaps it could introduce some modifications...? (unlikely though)

  • Vivoactive, therefore no baro altimeter, just GPS. That was my first thought, therefore I converted fit to tcx, looked into tcx and it starts like <AltitudeMeters>1047.5</AltitudeMeters>

    info object however starts like

    info.elapsedDistance = 0.000000
    info.altitude =1007.994629

    (those are my prints)

    Can I view fit content directly using some Garmin tool? I used ... perhaps it could introduce some modifications...? (unlikely though)
